Teller Report

The music of paradise

7/6/2020, 11:55:26 PM

A missionary tied to a cross floats face up on the dark water. His sentence seems as inexorable as the current of a river. The crucified one capsizes for a few seconds among the r

A missionary tied to a cross floats face up on the dark water. His sentence seems as inexorable as the current of a river. The crucified one capsizes for a few seconds among the rapids of Iguazú before being swallowed up by the great waterfall. Neither piety nor faith has a place in the wild domains of a world where virginity is the very guarantee of brutalism. But Father Gabriel takes his oboe and a bible and goes into the jungle to find out if God wants another martyr or to found his mission. He goes up the river, sits down on a stone and begins to play . The melody flows from it into the thicket and even the birds are silent. Indigenous

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