Teller Report

Rapper and President

7/6/2020, 3:57:12 PM

“Most experts suggest that the rapper caught on too late and that it could be at best about the 2024 election.” But this directly contradicts the hashtag # 2020VISION, which West provided with his tweet. That is, of course, it is quite possible that the rapper is thinking about the next election, but so far the question is about the closest - those that will be on November 3. And this makes the situation very delicate - and not for Trump, as at first some media were happy, but for his main rival, Joe Biden. "

The famous rapper, billionaire and part-time husband Kim Kardashian Kanye West was about to run for president of the United States.

This news became a real information bomb on Sunday, when America came to life after the celebration of Independence Day on July 4. Celebrated widely, from the heart - at least 14 people were killed and dozens injured as a result of shooting in different states and cities. He distinguished himself for the most part in Chicago (13 killed and 67 wounded), but also in other places of the victim: visitors to a nightclub were shot in South Carolina, right next to Wendy's fast food restaurant in Atlanta, where police officers shot and killed Richard Brooks, the heroic defenders of the barricades three weeks ago an eight-year-old girl was killed from the Black Lives Matter movement - no less dark-skinned than themselves, simply because she crossed the line and entered the “protected zone”. There were a lot of such incidents across the States, and it would be strange to expect something different from a country kneeling its police in front, in the words of Hillary Clinton, deplorables.

The negative news should have been interrupted by something, and the only thing that was suitable for this purpose was Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore, one of the best speeches he had ever made. But it’s clear that the anti-Trump media (that is, almost all, with the exception of Fox News, Breitbart, Washington Examiner and a couple of less visible ones) could not do such an advertisement to the hated president. It was then very handy and turned up Kanye West.

“Now we must fulfill America’s hopes by trusting God, uniting our vision and building our future,” West wrote. “I'm running for president!”

It should be noted that West is not the first time talking about the fact that he could try his hand at the presidential race. He first announced that he would run for president at the MTV Video Music Awards 2015. He finished his thank-you speech for the Video Vanguard Award, saying he would do so in 2020. The victory in 2016 of Donald Trump, who was primarily perceived as a showman, demonstrated that the voter was fed up with boring politicians and was ready to support a vibrant public figure - why not a rapper? West has repeatedly teased his fans, claiming to be inspired by a “weird mix” of TV reality shows and a successful political strategy that made Trump successful in the 2016 election.

In 2018, West’s friend singer John Legend claimed that West’s intentions to run for president were more than serious. “He sees in Trump a lot of what he believes in, and sees that Trump’s victory gives him the feeling that he can do it too,” Legend said then.

And West took a decisive step - or, as Forbes columnist Dani Di Placido ironically remarked, “dialed a tweet on his phone and hit send.

Other celebrities immediately responded to West's tweet - Kim Kardashian (this was expected), Ilon Musk, Tiffany Haddish, Paris Hilton, Octavia Spencer. Some supported the rapper, others trolled him. While all this does not go beyond the fun celebrity brawl on Twitter, serious media have already become interested in the question of whether West has drawn up the necessary documents because the race is in full swing, and the presidential candidate’s registration involves a lot of bureaucratic formalities and delays, and in each state - of their own.

Most experts suggest that the rapper realized that it was too late and that it could be at best about the 2024 election. But this directly contradicts the hashtag # 2020VISION, which West provided with his tweet. That is, of course, it is quite possible that the rapper is thinking about the next election, but so far the question is about the closest - those that will be on November 3.

And this makes the situation very delicate - and not for Trump, as some media at first rejoiced, but for his main rival, Joe Biden.

Biden, as everyone knows well, really hopes for the support of colored voters, and especially African-Americans - after all, he was vice president at Obama himself. It is traditionally believed that black people vote for the Democratic Party (this is an irony in itself, since in the 19th century the Democratic Party was a political association of slave owners-southerners, and the Republicans, on the contrary, were progressive northern abolitionists), so until recently, there was no struggle for the African-American electorate led - just did not consider necessary. 

But on the eve of the 2020 elections, such a struggle suddenly became urgent, and not only because part of the wealthy, realized and successful African-Americans openly support the Republicans, but also because the Blexit movement is gaining strength in the United States (by analogy with Brexit).

Initially, this movement brought together black people who decided to leave the United States and return to their historical homeland, but since about 2018, under the influence of conservative activist Candice Owens, it has become a movement for African-Americans to leave the Democratic Party, whose establishment “brainwashes them” and continues to use them as slaves on plantations, only in the electoral sense.

The most interesting thing here is that Candice Owens, an ardent supporter of Trump and an ardent opponent of the leftists, was for several years the unspoken political adviser to Kanye West. 

It was under her influence that West became a fan of Trump, with whom he had previously had serious differences and even personal conflicts (for example, in 2009, Trump called for a boycott of West for his behavior at the MTV Video Music Awards, when the rapper took the microphone from Tyler Swift and stated that, in his opinion, the prize was to get Beyoncé).

The fact that West wore a red MAGA baseball cap, met with Trump in the White House and periodically posted pro-Trump tweets, of course, irritated the liberal part of the public, but in general it was not very scary. It will be much more unpleasant for the Democrats if husband Kim Kardashian gets media promotion as the leader of the Blexit movement a few months before the elections, in which a deadly fight full of energy and ideas, gushing with energy Trump and sinking deeper into the abyss of senile dementia Senile Joe Biden (so it was renamed from Sleepy Joe the sharp-tongued master of the White House).

Of course, opinion polls show that Biden is ahead of Trump in popularity in almost all states, but it’s obvious that this is not about Biden’s popularity (who recently advertised his wife Jill’s book, once again got confused in words and introduced himself as “Joe Biden, husband of Joe Biden "), and in the increased activity of his supporters, including the extremely passionate African American electorate.

And Kanye West, whatever one may say, is the idol of a significant part of the young generation of this very electorate.

In a 2018 interview, West said he imagined his campaign as “a mixture of Trump’s campaign and maybe Bernie Sanders’s principles.” And if these words do not remain mere words, then Joe Biden will tremble in his bunker, where he is hiding from a pandemic, because Bernie Sanders' left ideas are still much more popular among young people than the moderation and accuracy of Senile Joe.

However, not everything is as simple as the ever-memorable “Crimean, daughter of an officer” wrote back in 2014.

Kanye West, unlike his political guru, Candice Owens, is not an opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement. It is known that he donated $ 2 million to the family of the deceased George Floyd, and a month ago he joined the BLM protests against police violence.

This step does not look particularly “trampic”, Forbes columnist Dani Di Placido remarks sarcastically, but when it comes to “cryptic, sensationalist headlines in the media, Kanye West’s steps ... it’s important to remember that his extraordinary personality is just another marketing strategy, especially in the era of social networks. ”

If we recall that West’s sensational statement came a couple of days after the presentation of his song “Washer Us in Blood” from the new album God's Country, which is about to go on sale, it becomes clear that the rapper does not have to rush to register presidential candidates. Everything will be fine with him.

So, Joe Biden can relax and exhale. At his age, worrying is harmful.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.