Teller Report

Donor pays 30 thousand dirhams of university arrears for "Maryam"

7/6/2020, 10:12:25 PM

A benefactor sponsored a payment of 30 thousand dirhams to the student “Maryam - Syria”, whose family was unable to pay her university arrears, while she was studying at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Sharjah, and the fees for the last semester reached 59 thousand and 175 dirhams, and her suffering continues to complete the remaining accumulated fees, which amount to 29

A sponsor made a payment of 30 thousand dirhams to the student “Maryam - Syria”, whose family was unable to pay her university arrears, while she was studying in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Sharjah, and the fees for the last semester reached 59 thousand and 175 dirhams, and her suffering continues to complete the remaining accumulated fees, which amount to 29 thousand And 175 dirhams.

He coordinated the "hotline" between the donor and the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, to transfer the amount of the donation to the student's account at the university.

The family of the student, Maryam, expressed her happiness and joy when she heard the news of the sponsorship from the philanthropist to help her pay part of the university fees, valuers, and his noble standing at their side under the circumstances they are going through at the present time.

Abu Marim appeals to the owners of compassionate hearts and philanthropists in the country to pay the remaining fees, which amount to 29 thousand and 175 dirhams, so that his daughter can finish her university year.

And "Al-Emarat Al-Youm" had previously published on the second of July this story of the suffering of the family of the student, "Maryam", who was unable to pay the accumulated arrears on her shoulders.

Abu Marim told Emirates Today that his daughter was studying in the last year at the College of Pharmacy, University of Sharjah, and she received a 40% discount from the university, as a result of her success with a grade of excellence, and obtained a rate of 3.8 in the last semester.

He added that his daughter enrolled in the College of Pharmacy in 2016, and the family’s financial situation was initially good, and he was able to cover her university tuition fees, and continued to study her, and she got the advantage during the previous semester, but last year her father was unable to pay the academic arrears, due to the termination of his services, to reach his Retirement age, and by obtaining his dues and end of service, he was able to pay the tuition fees for the previous semesters.

Pass the difficulties

"Abu Marim" confirmed that his daughter passed through all the difficulties she faced during her studies, and he said: "My daughter, during her university studies at the College of Pharmacy, was able to overcome the difficulties she was facing during her studies, and she insisted on continuing her university excellence, and I got discounts from the university on tuition fees, but we faced "The problems of last year that we were unable to pay the fees."

He added that «the dream (Maryam) was from a young age joining the College of Pharmacy, and sought to achieve her dream with steady steps, and succeeded in (secondary school) at a rate of 92% in the scientific department, and I joined the College of Pharmacy, and before completing her dream, my financial situation faltered, and her dream became threatened ».