Teller Report

Baniyas stadium maintenance for the second time in 7 months

7/6/2020, 10:10:55 PM

Baniyas Football Club announced yesterday the start of maintenance work on the floor of Al Shamkha Stadium stadium, to be completely replaced for the second time in only seven months, in order to treat it radically, after it had witnessed a change in January, as an emergency treatment, Following a wave of criticism

Baniyas Football Club announced yesterday the start of maintenance work on the floor of Al Shamkha Stadium stadium, to be completely replaced for the second time in only seven months, in order to treat it radically, after it had witnessed a change in January, as an emergency treatment, After a wave of criticism of the ground.

"The main pitch of the stadium in Al Shamkha Stadium ... again starts maintenance and preparations for the new sports season 2020-2021," said Baniyas club, in a statement via Twitter, accompanied by pictures of the stadium.

The pitch was criticized last season, as Hatta team coach, Christos Kontis, said earlier to "Emirates Today": "It is difficult to play football on such a floor, which is not suitable for football." Al-Jazira international player Omar Abdel-Rahman also joined the list of critics on the field.

In front of Baniyas, enough time to prepare the stadium, before the opening of the new season, which begins in the first week of August, which gives the executing company a good opportunity to treat the root of the crisis, which caused the deterioration of the state of grass during the season, despite the care that the floor finds From stadium management throughout the day.

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