Teller Report

A high ranking gendarmerie officer injured during an intervention in Mayotte

7/6/2020, 1:00:47 PM

The commander of the gendarmerie surveillance and intervention platoon (PSIG) received a face stone, launched launched at point-blank range on his vehicle while he was looking for

A policeman (illustration) - LODI FRANCK / SIPA

The commander of the gendarmerie surveillance and intervention platoon (PSIG) at Mamoudzou was seriously injured on Monday, around 3 a.m., during an intervention in Dzoumogné, in the north of Mayotte, AFP told AFP General Philippe Leclercq, commander of the national gendarmerie on the island.

The man received a stone in the face, thrown at point-blank range at his vehicle of which it broke the window.

Double jaw fracture and 45 days of ITT

The commander of the PSIG suffered a double fracture of the jaw and had 45 days of ITT (temporary incapacity for work). He was able to leave the Mamoudzou hospital but he should be evacuated to Reunion for additional care in the coming days.

The PSIG and two patrols of mobile gendarmes were looking for a vehicle used for the escape of two individuals suspected of being involved in an attempted burglary of a supermarket specializing in frozen products.

Before arriving there, they had already wiped stone throws. They had turned around and brought their helmets before returning to the store.

Already similar attacks in the past in Mayotte

“Unfortunately, our men are increasingly exposed to these kinds of events. These are very serious acts and it could have been worse. A year and a half ago, my deputy was also the victim of stone throwing which left him disfigured, ”indignant General Philippe Leclercq.

A judicial investigation has already been opened to find the perpetrators of the stone throws.

This attack comes a few days after the death of a gendarme in the Lot-et-Garonne, knocked down by a motorist while taking part in a road interception device.

Mayotte is regularly the scene of acts of violence, against the police, but also the inhabitants, in particular on the part of gangs of young people.

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