Teller Report

Solshire misses fans in the English Premier League

7/4/2020, 6:30:11 PM

 Manchester United coach Olli Gunnar Solshire expressed his great happiness with the landslide victory over Bournemouth 5/2 today, Saturday in the thirty-third stage of the English Premier League.

 Manchester United coach Olli Gunnar Solshire expressed his great happiness with a landslide victory over Bournemouth 5/2 today, Saturday, in the thirty-third stage of the English Premier League.

"Very happy, we made an attractive ball, but unfortunately the fans were not there," Solshire said.

"If the masses were in my belief, we would have scored more goals."

Manchester raised its score to 55 points in fourth place, but just one point behind fifth-placed Chelsea, who can regain its presence in the golden box through the match that gathered him later in the day with his guest Watford.

Bournemouth advanced with a goal to sign the signature of Junior Stanislas in the 16th minute, but Mason Greenwood responded with a tie goal for Manchester in the 29th minute, followed by Marcus Rashford, scoring the second goal for the home side from a penalty in the 35th minute.

In stoppage time for the first half, Frenchman Anthony Marcial scored the third goal for Manchester.

Four minutes into the second half, Joshua King replied with a goal for Bournemouth from a penalty kick, but Mason Greenwood scored his second and fourth goal for Manchester in the 54th minute before Bruno Fernandez finished the scoring in the 59th minute.

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