Teller Report

Dadone: "Pa. Sw at 50% until 31/12". Bonafede: "Funds and assumptions to restart justice"

7/4/2020, 11:45:11 AM

"The scope and capillarity of the measures have few precedents. Now let's approve the Decree in the Chamber, already looking at the Simplification". So on Twitter the political leader M5S, Vito Crimi

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04 July 2020 "The scope and capillarity of these measures have few precedents. Now let's approve it in plenary, already looking at the Simplification decree". So on Twitter the political leader M5S, Vito Crimi on the Dl Relaunch. The Budget Committee of Montecitorio approved the amendments and gave the green light to the debate in plenary which is scheduled for Monday and the government should place trust. Among the measures: funds and hiring to restart justice, new resources for red areas, earthquake victims and peer schools. The "Rest in the South" measure, which is aimed at young people between 18 and 45 who want to start their own business in the areas where they were born, has also been enhanced.

M5s: "Increase in social conquest invalidity pensions"
"We are really happy with the approval of the provision that brings disability pensions to € 516. The increase in the contribution is the result of a cross-cutting work thanks to which we have been able to approve the increase. This is a path built with determination , as demonstrated by the amendment to the Mara Lapia Signed Relaunch Decree. After several years of absolute immobility, we have shown that, if there is political will, it is possible to change things for the better. Raise the invalidity pensions, with a transversal work we have been able to approve the increase, a work that we have always carried out as shown by the amendment in my first signature. The 5 Star MoVement has always been close to those in difficulty and we will continue to legislate to give a concrete hand to who in recent years has felt too often abandoned by politics. This is our mission and we will continue with commitment and determination to achieve the goals we have set ourselves fixed. Our compatriots will benefit from a more 'decent support in order to move forward: it is a question of civilization and a social achievement. "I declare the leaders of the Movement 5 Stars in the Social Affairs Committee in the House.

Bonafede:" Funds and assumptions to restart justice "
" Important news on the relaunch dl! Further improvements have been approved in the Chamber which will allow us to relaunch the justice system in this new phase that the country is experiencing. An additional 20 million has been approved to allow the payment of lawyers in their important work of free legal aid carried out in favor of all those who cannot afford to pay the legal costs. "Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede points out on Facebook.

"Simplified hiring for judicial offices: an injection of resources crucial to restarting the machines of justice after a period of downtime imposed by the pandemic. 650 new hires, through the scrolling of the rankings, for prison police personnel who play a crucial role in the safety of all citizens. We save those that in this particular period have shown good practices in the application of technology on justice: an important innovation shared with all professionals. So even justice starts up again, this is a real relaunch! ", He concludes.

Pa in smart working at 50% until the end of the year
" The revolution is underway, smart working extended and PA workers returning to work safely. Approved the amendment by my colleague and friend Vittoria Baldino which extends agile work for 50% of employees who perform remotely executable activities until 31 December 2020 and introduces the Agile work organizational plan, with which from 1 January 2021 percentage will rise to at least 60%. "So on Facebook the PA Minister, Fabiana Dadone, who continues:" We also set up the Agile Work Observatory to collect fundamental data and information and allow us to better plan future organizational policies of the PA and the development of the performance of managers and staff. In the meantime, with the trade unions we have continued the discussion on the security protocol so that public employees can return to full protection and continue to make their contribution in this phase of revitalizing the country. The pandemic has had a crucial impact that is already transforming and will transform social, economic, environmental and public policy structures. Agile work is an integral part of this transformation and whoever denies it or robs its scope as an element of political controversy has not understood anything or pretends not to understand ", he concludes.

Piarulli:" New hires in the Prison Police "
" In the Relaunch Decree 650 students of prison officers are expected to be hired by scrolling the list of suitable candidates for the public competition held on 11 February 2019 with simplified procedures. It is only a step, which comes after others made by the 5-Star Movement and by Minister Bonafede: since the beginning of the legislature, a plan for hiring personnel in the whole justice sector, already partially implemented, and prison and judicial construction has started Bruna Piarulli (M5S), member of the Senate Justice Commission and president of the Forteto Investigation Commission, writes it in a post on Facebook.

Pd: "Well our amendments on agricultural supply chains"
"We are satisfied with the acceptance of an amendment by the Democratic Party on reformulation of the Government - which proposes the exemption of social security and welfare contributions paid by employers for all those agricultural sectors particularly affected by the coronavirus emergency. It is a concrete support for many companies in our agri-food sector which have proved particularly important during the toughest phase of the lockdown and which must be supported for the future relaunch of the sector. The Government also recognized the recognition of an allowance of 950 euros to self-employed fisheries workers which we particularly cared about with our amendments and the result of the synergy between the majority groups. We continue our work to give new opportunities for growth and development in the sector ". This was stated by the democratic group leader in the Agriculture Committee of the Antonella Incerti Chamber.

Bonomo: "Good car incentives"
"The measures approved in commission in support of the automotive sector, and the incentives for the renewal of the car fleet, are important for the recovery, and certainly go in the right direction. We cannot leave the many alone workers and companies in the auto sector. For more than a year now, as a Pd group in the Production Activities Committee, we have been following the crisis in the automotive supply chain which unfortunately worsened after the lockdown. I am satisfied as a member of the commission and as a Piedmont , of the result obtained in agreement with the majority, which led to the approval of the amendment, signed by my colleague Benamati and signed by me, on the scrapping of cars and on the incentive for new purchases. An important measure that wants to face a an emergency that has dramatic numbers in a sector, that of the car and its components, which is fundamental for the Italian economy ". This was stated by Francesca Bonomo, Member of the Democratic Party.