Teller Report

Washington from here - [Original podcast] Donald Trump, a presidency at the wall

7/3/2020, 10:43:30 AM

Four months before the presidential election, the popularity of Donald Trump is down in the polls. The country is shaken by the Black Lives Matter demonstrations and the Covid-19 pandemic cont…

[Original podcast] Donald Trump, a presidency at the foot of the wall

Audio 23:24

The popularity of Donald Trump is declining in the polls. REUTERS / Tom Brenner

By: French public radio stations | Anne Corpet Follow

Four months before the presidential election, the popularity of Donald Trump is down in the polls. The country is shaken by the Black Lives Matter demonstrations and the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread in several American states. How is the president going to get out of this bad patch? Are his chances of re-election threatened?


The correspondents of the French public radio stations meet, for this 19th episode, in front of the unbolted statue of Albert Pike, poet, author and former officer of the army of the Confederate States. The opportunity to take stock, before a summer break, of the Trump presidency and the issues of this exceptional presidential campaign.

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