Teller Report

This is what Zayed liked.

7/3/2020, 10:15:13 PM

“Covid-19” or “Corona” demonstrated the fragility of some political, economic and human relations, and exposed the gap in values ​​and leaderships. That come

“Covid-19” or “Corona” demonstrated the fragility of some political, economic and human relations, and exposed the gap in values ​​and leaderships. Which varies from the first world to the third world, to a national sterilization program that made society a partner and a pillar in the face of the pandemic, as the UAE has provided homeland for humanity so far to 68 countries nearly a thousand tons of humanitarian and medical aid, and nearly 963 thousand beneficiaries of medical personnel.

While we witnessed acts similar to medieval piracy, and countries seizing or bidding medical supplies on freight to change destination.

What we see of UAE humanitarian support to support countries facing the pandemic of "Covid-19", illustrated a model of dealing with humanitarian issues, and locally the leadership was keen on the safety and security of society in all its spectrum and the provision of sterilization and treatment capabilities and the establishment of field hospitals and laboratory tests, made us one of the highest countries as a population examination Another guide added to the state record, an illuminating light for other nations, and a unique leadership model.

What we have also seen from services and facilities varying from reducing violations or facilities in renewing vehicles without examining or exempting from the entrance tariff for gates, or postponing consideration of cases of vacating the defaulters on rent payments or what was recently issued by the Abu Dhabi Energy Department to prevent the interruption of electricity due to failure to pay It shows a glimpse of light and an honorable human model that is difficult to see in a country other than the homeland of humanity.

But that does not prevent us from contemplating a positive infection that is transmitted to the electrical cutters, to follow their example, contenting itself with revealing that the reason for cutting the power has changed a phone number, or that the son / daughter of senior citizens affected by the cut-off, employees of the relevant authority, is not an acceptable excuse, Documenting the customer’s identity using digital ID, ID card and fingerprint is mandatory.

And if we assume that the person concerned has changed his data, then the electricity is cut off in the summer, when everyone knows the nature of our beautiful summer airspace, we may need to suggest to those who set the deaf regulations for collection, to stay in a room without air conditioning for a whole day.

And if we want to be more flexible, these people can send a letter to our humanitarian bodies that will not refuse to pay the bills of defaulted senior citizens instead of wasting their time discussing the causes of the problem without developing humanitarian solutions, the same as we have seen in the instructions of the Abu Dhabi Energy Authority. It is desirable to see an extension of exceptions and cuts that extends to the end of the year, taking into account the exceptional circumstances experienced by some of those who lost their jobs, cut their salaries or were physically affected by the pandemic.

Everyone is seeking to develop services and make benchmarking comparisons with a view to excellence, to distinguish humanely and avoid the ignorant saying, "science is light, light is electricity, and electricity is dangerous."

We hope from the concerned authorities to enhance performance and excellence reports, and add to the number of awards a page from Noor, which includes the institutional human side of joint creative assistance and services in which the proactive side is based on the situation of senior citizens, people of concern, pregnant women, financially stunted or unemployed, we are the country of the future Our services have become a beacon for others to quote, and to consolidate the exploits of the founding father and what our leadership has followed, for this is what Zayed liked.

A non-resident internal management consultant at the Emirates Center for Knowledge and Consulting at the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government

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