Teller Report

The youtuber "Carlito" confides in his dad experience: "It's so mystical"

7/3/2020, 2:45:28 PM

Raphael Carlier, alias "Carlito", known for his shocking duo "Mcfly and Carlito", who made a splash on YouTube, was the guest of Philippe Vandel, in "Culture Media". The opportunity for him to talk about the release of his book & quot; Papa 2.0, journal of a normal father or almost & quot;, a personal story & nbsp; which immerses us with humor in the universe of / his fatherhood.

Raphael Carlier, alias "Carlito", known for his shocking duo "Mcfly and Carlito", which made a splash on YouTube, was the guest of Philippe Vandel, in "Culture Media". The opportunity for him to talk about the release of his book "Papa 2.0, diary of a normal father or almost", a personal story that immerses us with humor in the world of / his fatherhood.


Five million subscribers on YouTube, a billion views but above all two children, four and six years old. It is not as a youtuber that Raphael Carlier, alias Carlito, returns to the news but as a parent. Invited to the microphone of Europe 1 in "Culture Media", the humorist, known for his duet "Mcfly and Carlito", on YouTube, came to tell us about his new book Papa 2.0, newspaper of a normal father or almost , published by Flammarion, a story with diary accents. The opportunity, thus, to confide with humor and self-mockery on his experience as a young father.

Organized in the manner of back-planning, from -9 months to +9 months, between anecdotes and personal experiences, it reveals his father's intimacy in the work. "At the beginning, it was a diary, an outlet, it allowed me to write when my first son was born because it is so mystical as a moment that we need to be somewhere. And after "For a moment, I thought that, perhaps, that could interest people", explains Raphael Carlier on Europe 1.

Heard on europe1:

For me, these books were usually a bit full of clichés, so it was impersonal by definition

Advice books on fatherhood, there are hundreds "at Fnac", he insists. However, Raphael Carlier seeks to take the opposite view and modify the tendencies of the genre, still too based on stereotypes according to him. To do so, he offers us a mix between his humor and a story with more personal accents. "For me, these books were usually a bit full of clichés, so it was impersonal by definition. I thought that telling a point of view, an experience, could be interesting. And there, it's a speech from dad ".

Raphael Carlier thus returns to all the situations he had to face. Diapers with phy serum, passing by more serious questions like the future, money or even death, the confession of the youtubeur breaststroke. "During the first pregnancy, I had no money and that really worried me, and I was still talking about it, yesterday, with father friends and we met on this point. For me it was was really worrying "he confides.

A worried future father and above all a joker. Annoyed by the often harsh judgments of others around the names chosen by the parents (his names are Etienne and Jonah), he finds for example a radical solution to silence the critics. "Very often, I gave atypical names, sometimes even absurd, because for the interlocutor opposite, it's difficult to say 'I don't like at all'. So I proposed the name 'Ecclesiastes' to corner people ", he laughs.

Heard on europe1:

When we have children, it's a clan, it's powerful, it made me crazy inside

In the book, Carlito presents himself as an atypical father. "With my son, I will never be credible by advising him not to touch alcohol or drugs, if he knows all this initiatory journey which was mine," he wrote in his book. To Philippe Vandel's question, "Did you really force the dose?", He replies, smiling around the corner: "We are on Europe 1, it is 10:18 am. No, I did not force the dose…"

Rafael Carlier sometimes tells of getting out of his hinges when it comes to protecting his family. One day when he was in a TGV, sitting next to his wife and son, a man without embarrassment puts his feet on their seat. Carlito does not hesitate to react: "When we have children, it's a clan, it's powerful, it drove me crazy inside, I went to see him and I whispered to him 'If you don't move now i'm really gonna blow your mouth '".

Guy Carlier, the father

If we know Raphael Carlier as the youtubeur "Carlito", he is also the son of Guy Carlier, famous French chronicler and lyricist. A relationship he only chose to touch on briefly in his book. "I'm talking about my vision of fatherhood, so I briefly mention my father, my mother, my family. But that's not the subject, I don't want to digress," explains the youtubeur at the microphone of Philippe Vandel. He wants to "create his own family structural scheme", he concludes.