Teller Report

The Ras Al Khaimah government allows chronic disease owners to operate remotely

7/3/2020, 10:14:45 PM

The Human Resources Department in the Government of Ras Al Khaimah has identified six types of diseases whose owners are excluded from office work and allowed to work remotely, following the 100% return to office work by government employees since last Sunday, after the department canceled the exceptions granted to working employees

The Human Resources Department in the Government of Ras Al Khaimah has identified six types of diseases whose owners are excluded from office work and allowed to work remotely, after the return of the employees of the Government of Ras Al Khaimah to office work 100% since last Sunday, after the Department canceled the exceptions granted to employees working in the government in all categories, And restricting it to health risks related to coronavirus (Covid 19) to one category that includes employees with chronic diseases, so that their work continues remotely according to the controls and provisions of the approved system, provided that an approved medical report is submitted by the competent medical committee.

According to the circular that I sent to the government departments in Ras Al-Khaimah, and the Emirates Today obtained a copy of it, the department stated that chronic diseases are a group of diseases that are called non-infectious and that last for long periods and develop slowly, pointing out that employees with chronic diseases are allowed to continue to Teleworking provided that a medical report is presented proving that.

She added that the groups excluded from office work and allowed to work remotely: infected with Corona virus, and people with cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, various diseases of cancer, respiratory diseases, respiratory crises, chronic obstructive pulmonary or acute respiratory distress syndrome (hypersensitivity) respiratory, diseases Diabetes, and immune-related diseases.

The department indicated that it had examined more than 3000 employees in the government of Ras Al Khaimah and its partners in private and employment companies operating in the government of Ras Al Khaimah from the Corona virus, where internal working groups were formed in each government agency concerned with taking the necessary precautionary and preventive measures.

The department stated that it is working on developing a new system for "remote" work, in normal circumstances, that will be launched during the coming period.

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