Teller Report

News in drawing: when Beijing suffocates the freedoms of Hong Kongers

7/3/2020, 10:39:17 AM

"I can not breathe". It is with these words, using those of the African-American George Floyd before his death last May, that the designer of the Volkskrant, Bas van der Schot, chose to illustrate…

This week, Beijing regained control of Hong Kong, as illustrated by Bas van der Schot (aka Schot) in his sketch for Cartooning for Peace. The Chinese government adopted the controversial national security law earlier this week. It plans to repress "separatism", "terrorism" and "collusion with external and foreign forces", making the opposition fear an unprecedented decline in freedoms.

This text is considered liberticide by the international community, to the point that London has proposed to extend the access of Hong Kongers to British citizenship. "In the meantime, the Hong Kongers are faced with a dilemma (that cartoonists know well!): Self-censorship or forced departure ...", underlines Cartooning for Peace.

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists committed to promoting, through the universality of press cartoons, freedom of expression, human rights and mutual respect between populations of different cultures or beliefs.

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