Teller Report

López's wife

7/3/2020, 2:19:08 PM

I have read Mikhail Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, hilarious satire on the achievements of Bolshevism. Banned was the novel from 1925, Lenin already dead, until his namesake Gorba

I read Heart Dog of Mikhail Bulgakov , hilarious satire of the achievements of Bolshevism. The novel was banned from 1925, Lenin already dead , until his namesake Gorbachev started Perestroika in the 80s. The story is a hilarious farce, it does not leave a puppet with a head. Along with a stray canine, its protagonist is an eminent doctor who is somewhat damaged from his head. The doctor, among his steely observations, advises against reading the press. "Patients who didn't read newspapers felt great," he says of his clinical experience. On the contrary, "those whom I had read the Pravda on purpose, lost

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