Teller Report

His Majesties the Emperor and Empress received an explanation of the welfare of persons with disabilities

7/3/2020, 7:03:50 PM

[NHK] His Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, while the influence of the new coronavirus continues, the representatives of the organizations that make up welfare facilities for people with disabilities etc. explain the situation and issues of the facilities...

His Majesties the Emperor and Empress, Welfare for the disabled can be explained at 3:53 on July 4th.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress received explanations about the situation and challenges of the facilities from representatives of organizations that make up welfare facilities for persons with disabilities, etc., while the effects of the new coronavirus continued.

His Majesties receive detailed explanations from experts in various fields as the effects of the spread of infection continue.

On the 3rd, three representatives, including representatives of groups created at welfare facilities for persons with disabilities, talked about the situation and challenges of the facility for about an hour.

During this, it was explained that the residents of the facility were in great stress because they were restricted from going out and were unable to meet with their families. Will you be supported?"

Also, when it was explained that there were outbreaks at multiple facilities where users with intellectual disabilities were in, the empress said, "Isn't it a very difficult situation?" It means that he spoke the word of sir.

Hiroai Hino, Chairman of the National Council for the Physically Handicapped, gave an explanation, “I am grateful to hear the voice of the site seriously, such as watching my eyes and taking notes. When the infection has subsided I felt like I was eager to visit."

His Majesties will continue to receive explanations from outside experts about the effects of the new coronavirus.