Teller Report

Radicals from abertzales threaten representatives of the PP in Zaldibar

7/1/2020, 7:26:05 PM

Two groups of supporters from the abertzale left have demonstrated with posters in favor of the amnesty of the ETA prisoners in front of a PP delegation that in the middle of the campaign

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Two groups of supporters from the abertzale left have demonstrated with posters in favor of the amnesty of the ETA prisoners in front of a PP delegation that, in the midst of the electoral campaign in Euskadi, was visiting the town of Zaldibar in Vizcaya . The radicals who also exhibited an ikurriña have insulted the PP delegation that discussed with a former mayor of the town the consequences of the collapse of the landfill that occurred on February 6. "Get out of here, leave us alone" and "Fascists, get out" chanted before the group in which Antonio González Terol , Carlos Rojas , Bea Fanjul , César Sánchez ,Carlos García , Belén Hoyo , Jaime de Olano and Raquel González . There were also Luis Gordillo and Borja González , from Ciudadanos.

The Basque electoral campaign has once again been the scene of a new incident after those led by 'anti-fascist' groups and by Ernai against Vox rallies in Bilbao and Sestao . "They have been emboldening for a long time because someone is giving them wings," denounced the PP councilor in Bilbao, Carlos García. Garcia, who was a councilor in Elorrio , knows firsthand the pressure of the left - wing nationalism and expressed his surprise at the reaction of a group of residents of Zaldibar to detecting their presence in the village.

The group of PP officials has made several electoral visits in small municipalities in Vizcaya with the posting of posters in designated spaces and meetings with their supporters in towns such as Ermua , Eibar or Zaldibar. However, after touring this town accompanied by a former councilor, the incidents have occurred.

"We have gone to the town hall square, we have seen Benito , the last councilor who had the PP. We have made a live video because the flags of Spain are hidden on the side on broomsticks," explained Antonio González Terol, Deputy Secretary General for Territorial Policy of the PP.

"It has been unpleasant. One of the cars has surrounded him, but they have not done anything to us. It has only been intimidating from a few meters," said Terol. García could not help remembering the pressures he suffered during his time as councilman with death threats, a climate of persecution that seemed to have been overcome. "They are dangerously approaching the line of violence and this upturn in the radical world is very worrying," he warned. During the past month of May, the threatening graffiti against the headquarters of parties such as PNV and PSE-EE was repeated within the campaign led by ETA prisoner Patxi Ruiz to demand the approach to Basque jails and the release of the inmates of the gang.

Zaldibar has displayed banners against "fascism" in Basque since last Monday in a dozen buildings in the town.

"We came to denounce that the constitutionalism of a people like Zaldibar be erased, and not only to talk about the landfill. It has bothered them that we put up posters and they have come to rebuke us. But we, firm and defending constitutionalism in the Basque Country, " have Terol explained. The PP delegation has endured radical pressure and has continued the planned route to the neighboring town of Durango .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PP
  • Biscay
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  • Left Abertzale
  • Basque Country
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