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NBA: Antetokounmpo ready to face a "particularly difficult" end of season - France 24

7/1/2020, 9:59:05 PM

NBA: Antetokounmpo ready to face a "particularly difficult" end of the seasonLos Angeles (AFP) Milwaukee star Giannis Antetokounmpo admitted on Wednesday that the end of the NBA season will no doubt be "particularly difficult" due to the specific circumstances linked to the coronavirus, even if he says he is ready to face it despite the fears. "I have the impression that in the end it will be the most difficult championship to win, because the circumstances are really, r...

Los Angeles (AFP)

Milwaukee star Giannis Antetokounmpo admitted on Wednesday that the end of the NBA season will no doubt be "particularly difficult" due to the specific circumstances linked to the coronavirus, even if he says he is ready to face it despite the fears.

"I have the impression that in the end it will be the most difficult championship to win, because the circumstances are really, really difficult at the moment," said the MVP for the 2018/2019 season, when '' a conference call reported by ESPN.

"In the end, it will be the team that wants the most who will win the title," he said.

The NBA, whose season had been interrupted in March due to the coronavirus, must resume from July 30 in a secure "bubble" located in the Disney World complex in Florida. This state has been affected for several weeks by a resurgence of new cases of coronavirus.

This particular context will constitute an additional challenge to end the season, explains Antetokounmpo. "You go somewhere without your family for three to four months, and you haven't played basketball for three and a half, four months," he said.

The title will therefore go to "whoever wants it the most, who is best mentally prepared for all of this, what is happening in Orlando".

But the Milwaukee player says he's ready.

Obviously, "nobody wants to put themselves in danger there, but at the end of the day, that's what the NBA has chosen, and we're going to resume matches, and we all have to do our job. And my job is to play basketball and go support my teammates, and represent the city, "he said, even though" "it is certain that me, my teammates, my family - especially my mother - everyone s 'worried about our health'.

Leading the Eastern conference just before the coronavirus break, with a record of 53 wins for just 12 losses, the Bucks are among the big favorites for the title of NBA champion.

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