Teller Report

Myanmar will focus on securing a stable foundation for the Suu Kyi government in November

7/1/2020, 7:59:10 PM

[NHK] It has been decided that a general election will be held every five years in Myanmar in November. Aung San Suu Kyi has virtually two administrations...

Myanmar general election in November Focus on securing stable foundation of Suu Kyi's government 4:54, July 2

It has been decided that a five-year general election will be held in November in Myanmar. The focus will be on how stable a government led by Aung San Suu Kyi can secure a stable foundation for the second term.

The Myanmar Election Commission announced today that it will hold parliamentary elections on November 8.

In Myanmar, where the military-led government continued for more than half a century, the NLD = National Democratic League, led by Mr Suu Kyi, overwhelmingly supported the government in the last 2015 election.

However, since then, the expected progress of democratization and the integration of different ethnic groups have not been sufficiently successful, and complaints have been raised among the supporters of the ruling party.

Some supporters have found out what they are doing and have set up another party, while minority parties are trying to bring in those who have left the ruling party.

Myanmar's parliament has been assigned a quarter of the military's seats in advance according to the constitution. In order for the ruling party's NLD to maintain a single majority as in the current situation, two-thirds of the re-elected seats are required. You have to win more.

There are many views that Suu Kyi and NLD will maintain the government against the backdrop of strong public support, but the election will focus on how stable a foundation can be for the second term. It is a prospect.