Teller Report

The sales volume of the standard net red brand enters the convenience food market is still unsatisfactory

6/30/2020, 9:58:58 PM

  Recently, Duoli, known as sunflower oil, has launched a series of healthy "I love to cook" instant food series. It aims to seize the convenience food and take-out market for the "Red Ramen Saying" and Shu Qi's "KIKI Noodles".   Experts said that during the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, "lazy culture" and "house economy" have ushered in rapid growth of convenience foods. Duoli's move can also...

  Recently, Duoli, known as sunflower oil, has launched a series of healthy "I love to cook" instant food series. It aims to seize the convenience food and take-out market for the "Red Ramen Saying" and Shu Qi's "KIKI Noodles".

  Experts said that during the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, "lazy culture" and "house economy" have ushered in rapid growth of convenience foods. Duoli's move can also be regarded as a trend, and a large kitchen strategy with edible oil products to seize convenience foods and Takeaway market.

Focus on health and lazy culture

  Public information shows that Duoli is affiliated with Jiage Foods Group, established in 1986 and listed in Taiwan in 1994. In recent years, the Chinese mainland market has been opened with "Duoli Sunflower Oil". Data shows that in 2018, Jiage Group accounted for 2.5% of domestic edible oil sales, and was in the second echelon of the market with Shanghai Liangyou (3.2%) and Changshouhua (3.2%). Golden Dragon Fish, Fulinmen, Luhua, Xiwang Food The other accounted for 63.8% of China's edible oil sales, ranking first.

  Or because of its "unsatisfactory performance" in the edible oil market, Duoli has tried new fields in recent years. Following the launch of the "disposable" condiment series at the beginning of this year, it started to work on convenience foods. In June, it launched four "I love cooking" convenience food series, including noodles, bibimbap and other products, featuring "boutique". "Boiling" and "seasoning".

  A reporter from the Beijing News found at the Tmall flagship store of Duoli Foods that in the "I Love Cooking" series, Hong Kong-style Huadan instant noodles and Shanghai-style scallion oil instant noodles are priced at about 18 yuan a pack; and The other two products-Korean-style stone pot cooking bag and wind mushroom seasoning bag are up to about 30 yuan.

  Unlike the "cooked noodles" used in ordinary instant noodles, both of the "I love to cook" noodles use raw noodles and must be cooked before they can be eaten. In addition to this, the "I Love Cooking" series also focuses on the heritage culture. Shanghai-style spiced onion noodles are made by Qin Zhuonan, the heir of the local cuisine Li Borong, and the seasoning of Hong Kong-style Huadan noodles comes from Yu Jianzhi, the founder of the Banyan restaurant brand.

  "The new product launched this time is to break the'dimension wall' between convenience food and nutrition and health, and create'new species'." Duoli related person in charge said that this is in the "lazy economy" and a new round. Under the background of "consumption upgrade", the company adapts to changes in the market situation and launches the main products in the post-80s and post-90s markets.

Want to seize the convenience food and takeaway markets

  Why did edible oil companies start to make convenience food?

  "From the price, positioning and convenience of new products, it should be the fast food and takeaway markets." On June 30, food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng told the Beijing News reporter that the product is healthier than instant noodles. ; Compared with the "half hour" take-out, this series of products is faster and more convenient, just a few minutes.

  According to the "Forecast and Investment Planning Analysis Report of China's Convenient Food Industry" released by the Foresight Industry Research Institute, the market size of China's convenience food in 2019 reached 452 billion yuan; at the same time, the improvement of food processing technology has created more online celebrities Convenient foods, driven by the epidemic "house economy", the market size of convenience foods is expected to grow rapidly. It is expected that the market size of China's convenience foods will reach 485 billion yuan in 2020.

  On the other hand, Tmall platform data shows that since February of this year, the overall sales of instant food have increased 7 times year-on-year. During the epidemic, snail powder, turkey noodles, instant noodles, self-heating hot pot, hot and sour powder and other convenient fast-food products entered the top of Taobao's hot selling list.

  In addition, the cakes in the takeaway market are also growing. According to the "Report on the Development of my country's Takeaway Industry in 2019 and the First Half of 2020" released by Meituan and the China Hotel Association, our foreign takeaway industry is expected to develop into a trillion-scale market in the next 1-3 years.

  Zhu Danpeng told the Beijing News reporter that after the epidemic, the trend of the convenience food market is very good. Under this background, Duoli's rapid deployment of the convenience food field is also an industry insight; at the same time, this series of new products also belong to the kitchen economy ', which is highly correlated with Duoli's original edible oil products, and has relatively low costs and risks. It is a large kitchen strategy, that is, multi-brand, multi-category, multi-scenario, multi-consumption. In addition, this convenient fast food product allows consumers to have both hands-on fun and no difficulty in cooking, and to meet the core needs of "lazy culture" and "house culture".

 For standard net red products but sales are not ideal

  After the launch of the new product, what is the market sales? A Beijing News reporter searched in the TOLEDO flagship store of Duoli Foods and found that since the official announcement on June 19th, as of 15:30 on June 30th, among the 4 products of "I love to cook", sales of Shanghai spring onion noodles At best, the monthly sales are 324 orders; while the Korean-style stone pot flavored food package is the worst, with only 4 orders per month.

  In response to the unsatisfactory sales performance, the responsible person of Duoli said that the sales of the new product just launched will definitely be worse. In the next step, the company will lay out goods on e-commerce platforms such as Supermarket and to further promote the new product. The person in charge also said that this time the new product targets "Ramen Said" and Shu Qi's "KIKI" noodles.

  The Beijing News reporter noticed that the two brands of "ramen said" and "KIKI" noodles have ushered in a great development in the past two years, and they are net red products. According to public information, the "Ramen Theory" was born in 2016. A retail brand that started with Japanese fast food, in just over 3 years, relied on multiple flavors of ramen products to grow the team from 3 to more than 100 people. From the initial monthly sales of tens of thousands of yuan to the annual sales of 250 million yuan in 2019, this year it has even shouted a sales target of 1 billion yuan. Shu Qi's KIKI noodles started in the offline restaurant, and later launched the fast food package, becoming the celebrity popular Internet food. The outside world called "half of the entertainment circle to play CALL".

  Prior to this, Cao Borui, general manager of Jiage Group, disclosed to the Beijing News reporter that Jiage Group will exert efforts on e-commerce channels this year. "It does not rule out the promotion through the mode of top net red belts."

  Beijing News reporter Ouyang Xiaojuan