Teller Report

Pamfilova considers fakes about voting as a planned action

6/29/2020, 11:43:58 PM

The head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Russia Ella Pamfilova said that the emerging fakes in connection with voting on amendments to the Constitution are part of a planned and well-prepared action.

“I know that this is an absolutely planned, well-prepared action ... every day we have some kind of provocation. Well, in a war as in a war, this is their right, this makes it our task to beat with arguments and facts and expose, ”she said on Channel One.

According to Pamfilova, we are talking about those who consciously publish false information.

“Previously, we lagged on this agenda, which they asked, and we had to make excuses. Now we have learned to intercept and shape our information flow and beat hands, but there is a problem, ”the head of the CEC added.

Earlier, CEC member Yevgeny Shevchenko noted a large number of false news in connection with the vote on constitutional amendments.

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