Teller Report

Member of the European Parliament calling for the UAE to implement ILO laws on workers' rights

6/29/2020, 9:31:58 PM

European Parliament member Charles Guerrence called on the UAE to work to amend its laws in line with international treaties related to the protection of women and children, pointing to a new European mechanism to punish violators of human rights.

Member of the European Parliament, Representative Charles Guerrence called on the UAE to work urgently to amend its laws in line with international treaties related to the protection of women and children, pointing to a new European mechanism to punish violators of human rights.

Guerrence, a member of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and deputy commissioner for relations with the Arabian Peninsula, said in an interview with "NewsWire Now" that the European Union has legislated to prohibit all kinds of discrimination and defend the rights of migrant workers in the union, and that countries outside the European Union should adopt Laws similar to him.

Guerrence added that the International Labor Organization, as an internationally recognized organization, can provide the necessary advice to the Emirates on ways to adapt such legislation to suit its own context.

He pointed out that the European Parliament has repeatedly warned of human rights violations committed by the UAE through decisions and messages addressed to the UAE government, as is the case in the case of Alia Abdulnour, Emirati citizen who died in prison after a struggle with cancer and the pleas of human rights organizations and international bodies in Convincing the authorities to release her, and the European Parliament had sent a message to the UAE authorities calling for her release.

Guerrence said that the political dialogue between the European Union and other countries should include regular oversight to ensure that it respects the international obligations it has signed, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In response to a question about the policies and mechanisms adopted by the European Parliament to prevent gross violations of human rights, Guerrence said that the European Parliament is trying to address these violations through political pressure by issuing decisions and sending messages to the concerned authorities, and that the parliament can also demand the imposition of sanctions on governments that violate human rights But such decisions must be adopted unanimously by the council.

He explained that the European Parliament is currently working on a new mechanism to punish individuals who violate human rights, similar to the American Magnitsky Law, related to the UAE.