Teller Report

Exitpol VTsIOM: 76% of respondents supported amendments to the Constitution

6/29/2020, 7:28:57 AM

According to the exit polls conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) commissioned by the EISI, among respondents to the questions of the interviewers, 76% of Russians supported the amendments to the Basic Law of the country.

Against the amendments voted, according to the VTsIOM exit poll, 23.6% answered the question of Russians.

It is noted that the survey was conducted at 800 polling stations in 25 regions of Russia.

At the exit from the polling station, VTsIOM interviewers suggested an anonymous survey.

The question was asked how the respondent voted - “For” or “Against” amendments to the Constitution.

As of June 28 (at 21:00 Moscow time), a total of 163 124 people took part in the survey.

70.6% of respondents answered the question, 29.4% refused the answer.

Earlier it was reported that the turnout for online voting on amendments to the Constitution reached 80%, more than 938.2 thousand people voted.