Teller Report

Beijing Public Library: Staff regularly carry out epidemic prevention and killing

6/29/2020, 11:38:03 AM

On June 29, the staff of the Tongzhou District Library of the Beijing City Deputy Center carried out a three-dimensional killing of the library. After the library was reopened on May 7, measures such as restricting current flow and making appointments were strictly adopted. Staff sterilized and cleaned the cross-contact locations in the public areas such as touch screens and bookcase shelves every...

On June 29, the staff of the Tongzhou District Library of the Beijing City Deputy Center carried out a three-dimensional killing of the library. After the library was reopened on May 7, measures such as restricting current flow and making appointments were strictly adopted. Staff sterilized and cleaned the cross-contact locations in the public areas such as touch screens and bookcase shelves every hour on the open day. Readers also returned to the library for multiple killings and then stored in the special warehouse for 14 days before they could enter the borrowing area again. China News Agency reporter Yang Kejia photo

Release time: 2020-06-29 19:11:16 [Editor: Wang Yi]