Teller Report

"Even if a vaccine is developed, collective immunity may not be formed in the United States."

6/29/2020, 9:58:58 PM

Anthony Pouch, director of the National Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research Center under the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview with CNN Broadcast, "I would be satisfied with a corona19 vaccine that works 70 or 75%."

▲ Anthony Pouch, Director, National Allergy and Infectious Disease Research Institute (NIAID), USA 

US health officials say that even if the Corona 19 vaccine is developed, collective immunity may not form in the United States.

Anthony Pouch, director of the National Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research Center under the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview with CNN Broadcast, "I would be satisfied with a corona19 vaccine that works 70 or 75%."

At the same time, the pouch director predicted that the measles vaccine was 97 and 98% effective, but the Corona 19 vaccine would not be able to reach that level.

Then, when asked whether a group immunity against Corona 19 would occur when 2/32 of the U.S. population was vaccinated with a vaccine that was effective at 70-75%, the answer was negative.

Many Americans are negative about vaccination, and if the vaccine's antibody formation rate reaches 70%, it may not be able to achieve collective immunity to prevent the spread of corona19.

In a poll last month, only 66% of respondents said that even if the corona19 vaccine was distributed in large quantities at a low price.

In the United States, there is a movement not to be reluctant or not to get shots, such as because vaccines cause autism.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)