Teller Report

There are many students in Xining, Qinghai, who control dropouts to prevent intergenerational transmission of poverty

6/27/2020, 11:01:57 PM

Xining City Controls Dropouts and Prevents Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty Strive for a lot of students (the three major battles are in action in various places)   Teacher back, mother care, more than 30 steps, rest twice. 9-year-old Xiao Haiting is not easy to go to school!   At the age of 6 months, Xiao Haiting was found to have congenital cerebral palsy and physical disability and ...

Xining City Controls Dropouts and Prevents Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty

Strive for a lot of students (the three major battles are in action in various places)

  Teacher back, mother care, more than 30 steps, rest twice. 9-year-old Xiao Haiting is not easy to go to school!

  At the age of 6 months, Xiao Haiting was found to have congenital cerebral palsy and physical disability and was unable to take care of herself. Because the family is not very affluent, his mother Min Fumei said: "The baby can be alive, and dare not think about going to school."

  Li Deji, the principal of the 26-year teaching center in Zhonggou Village, Huangzhong District, Xining City, Qinghai, has been following Xiao Haiting for two years. Every time the teacher comes, Xiao Haiting wakes up early, prepares learning utensils, and listens to the familiar knocking sound with his ears upright.

  At the end of the first grade, the baby took the first place, but Min Fumei was not happy. There was no second grade in the village teaching point, so he could only go to the village. "What about going back and forth to school?" "Will the teacher still take care of it?" The couple were very uneasy.

  "Let her come to my office every day, I teach her all the second grade courses." Li Deji said.

  Min Fumei also occasionally worried that her daughter's path to school will become narrower and narrower. Li Deji said to her: "In the future, I will be immobile, and my colleagues. As long as we are there, there will be a baby's class."

  Affected by traditional ideas and family conditions, the dropout rate in Xining's compulsory education stage was high, becoming the main reason for the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Poor, can not afford to go to school; not to go to school, poorer, vicious circle. "Xining regards controlling dropouts as a key task of poverty alleviation in education to ensure that children who drop out of school can come back, children who return to school can be retained, children who are in difficulty can be cared for, and children who persist can be rewarded." Xining Education Bureau Director Wang Gang said.

  There is a large inflow of foreign students from urban schools, a large outflow of rural students with their parents' work, and a wide distribution of minority students. Xining started from the most difficult places and made efforts to the finest ones. Through departmental linkage dynamic monitoring, slicing and assignment tasks, responsibility implementation to people, grid management, etc., we organized a large network of closely controlled dropouts. Improve the conditions for running schools at the grass-roots level, innovate education and teaching reforms, and strive for social love and support to make schools more attractive.

  Ma Xing, a student of the Shishan Township Central School in the Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County, secretly ran to Zhejiang last year to work. Teacher Yan Yongyu contacted the village for work and went home three times and five times. After many efforts, Ma Xing finally returned. When people come back, they should keep their hearts. The teacher "opens a small stove" and the classmates help accurately. Now, "university entrance exam" has become a word that Ma Xing often hangs on his lips.

  Seeing the way out and having a future gives parents and children more confidence. Xining opened the channel between junior high school and vocational and technical education, and realized "one person in vocational education, one family out of poverty", which also allowed parents to change their minds and see the hope of blocking poverty for generations. Villagers in Bianmagou Village, Datong County have a long life, and all three children have faced school dropouts. Later, they completed technical schools with government subsidies. "Now they all rely on craftsmanship to eat, and they don’t have to dig up the ground like me."

  "There are many students who strive for one." Wang Gang said that after more than two years of exploration and hard work, the school will open in autumn 2019. The enrollment rate of Xining City’s compulsory education students will be 99.99%, and the enrollment rate of Xiaosheng’s initial enrollment will be 96.87%. 583 people have been persuaded to return, with a persuasion rate of 98.48%, and they have greater confidence in consolidating the results of poverty alleviation.

  "My dream is to be a painter." At the end of the interview, Xiao Haiting whispered to reporters, his eyes flashing.

  Liu Chengyou Jia Fengfeng