Teller Report

The name of the number of developed vaccines for coronavirus was announced at WHO

6/27/2020, 9:04:57 PM

Sumy Swaminathan, chief researcher at the World Health Organization (WHO), told how many vaccines against coronavirus infection COVID-19 are currently being developed in the world.

It is reported by UN News.

According to her, usually the process of developing and producing an effective vaccine takes up to ten years, but at the moment the situation requires a quick response.

“We devote this (development and production of the coronavirus vaccine) to 12, a maximum of 18 months. And it will be unprecedented, ”she said.

According to her, today there are 200 variants of vaccines and all of them are at different stages of development and clinical trials. About 15 of them are already being tested in humans.

Earlier, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus said that to accelerate the development of a vaccine and the search for effective drugs for coronavirus, more than $ 31 billion must be raised.

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