Teller Report

More than 2.5 million confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States exceeded 125,000 deaths

6/27/2020, 10:17:03 PM

  The latest statistics of the new crown epidemic situation released by Johns Hopkins University show that as of 17:00 on June 27, EST, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States exceeded 2.5 million, reaching 25,419 cases; the number of deaths exceeded 125,000, reaching 125434 people.   The current US epidemic rebound situation is grim. At least 31 states have n...

  The latest statistics of the new crown epidemic situation released by Johns Hopkins University show that as of 17:00 on June 27, EST, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States exceeded 2.5 million, reaching 25,419 cases; the number of deaths exceeded 125,000, reaching 125434 people.

  The current US epidemic rebound situation is grim. At least 31 states have notified the epidemic rebound, and 11 states have suspended or postponed restarting plans. (CCTV reporter Gu Xiang)

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