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WHO warns of an increase in coronavirus infections in Europe, with 20,000 cases a day

6/25/2020, 11:47:29 AM

The WHO valued this Thursday with a "bravo" the "fast" control that, in his opinion, Spain is making of the new "dangerous" outbreaks of coronavirus, through "rapid" interventions

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The WHO valued this Thursday with a "bravo" the "fast" control that, in his opinion, Spain is making of the new "dangerous" outbreaks of coronavirus , through "fast and specific" interventions, as occurs in Germany, Israel o Poland, however, warns that Europe continues to report 700 deaths and nearly 20,000 new cases daily , bringing the global figure to more than 2.5 million on the continent.

This was stated by the WHO regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge, at a press conference in which he pointed out that last week Europe registered an increase in weekly cases for the first time in months , with an increase of new cases in 30 countries in the last two weeks.

" In 11 of them, accelerated transmission has led to a very significant revival that , if left unchecked, will push health systems to the brink once again in Europe," he warned, while insisting that countries like Poland, Germany, Spain and Israel have responded "quickly to dangerous outbreaks" associated with the reopening of schools, coal mines or food production facilities.

In this sense, in addition to conveying his congratulations to the authorities of these countries, he also recognized the " change in people's behavior ", which is respecting the rules of physical distance and the use of masks. "Bravo to the people!", He added, to then urge "be smarter" by using the "evidence" that provides information from surveillance systems to improve the process with which to detect, isolate, test and attend to each case.

A process in which technology can, in his opinion, play a role of " leadership " in different aspects, for which he recognized that almost thirty countries in the European environment have already launched solutions for monitoring contacts and noted that both Digital technology such as artificial intelligence "has been shown to be powerful and effective in other aspects of the pandemic response and in fighting the virus."

However, he warned that this technology has also raised "many problems" related to data protection and privacy, so he called for "care and prudence" in its use, which must take into account "privacy and security "of the population.

"It is the responsibility of governments to address the ownership, use, consent and protection of data, " he resolved, while regretting that not all the population has the possibility of "taking advantage" of the "potential" of technology to " Fight "the virus and warned that Europe" cannot afford a digital divide in addition to the social and economic divide. "

For the head of this UN agency on the continent, it is about " leaving no one behind " and " empowering " citizens to make "healthy" decisions regarding their lifestyle that allow creating " European culture of health ".

The WHO regional director for Europe insisted that globally there are already more than 9 million confirmed cases and more than 400,000 deaths reported to the WHO and stressed that the pandemic "continues to accelerate", as demonstrated by the record of new confirmed cases on Sunday, with 183,020 in just 24 hours.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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