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USA 2020: virtual nomination convention for Democrats, unlike Republicans

6/25/2020, 10:17:01 PM

The Democratic Party has decided: the convention which must formally invest Joe Biden as candidate for the White House will not give rise to any mass demonstration. A choice dictated by concerns…

USA 2020: virtual nomination convention for Democrats, unlike Republicans

Joe Biden will be well invested in Milwaukee but has renounced the stadium of 17,000 people which was planned. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

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The Democratic Party has decided: the convention which must formally invest Joe Biden as candidate for the White House will not give rise to any mass demonstration. A choice dictated by health concerns due to the pandemic. On the Republican side, on the other hand, the location of the convention has been modified to allow the maximum number of people to be accommodated.


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From our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

These are two radically opposite approaches: Democrats worried about the spread of the coronavirus considerably reduce the airfoil, while the Republicans wish to maintain a large popular rally. Joe Biden will be well invested in Milwaukee but has renounced the stadium of 17,000 people which was planned. The convention will be mainly via video conference, and the party invites the delegates to stay at home. All events that were to take place on the fringes of the agreement have been canceled.

Conversely, the Republicans have given up investing Donald Trump in Charlotte, to get rid of the sanitary rules imposed by the governor of North Carolina. The convention will take place in Jaksonville, Florida, and the president is still banking on a large-scale popular gathering. But the resurgence of infections in this state may dampen the enthusiasm of supporters of Donald Trump. And to avoid the disastrous image of the Tulsa meeting, with a half-empty stadium, the Republican party may be forced to revise its plans again. By organizing, for example, the convention outside to limit the risks.

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  • USA elections 2020
  • United States
  • Coronavirus
  • Donald trump

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