Teller Report

The CFDT loses a lawsuit on the working conditions of seasonal workers

6/25/2020, 7:50:01 PM

The union criticized nine agricultural companies in Bouches-du-Rhône and a Spanish temporary employment agency for the lack of protective measures for foreign seasonal workers

The ARS is carrying out a PCR test on a seasonal worker in Châteaurenard. - CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / AFP

The CFDT lost its lawsuit against nine agricultural companies of Bouches-du-Rhône and a Spanish temporary employment agency, to which it reproached the lack of protective measures for foreign seasonal workers after the appearance of more than 250 positive cases of coronavirus .

In its order, the Tarascon court considers that "the general summons takes up the recommendations applicable in the matter of Covid-19, without however targeting how the farm in question would have contravened the recommended measures".

Seized in summary procedure (emergency procedure) by the union, the court declares each of the summons against the agricultural companies and the Spanish temporary work agency Terra Fecundis void. He orders the CFDT to pay 1,000 euros in legal fees to each of them.

"The spread of the virus deserved to go into battle"

On Tuesday, the union had asked the judges to order the operators to carry out a risk assessment and the implementation of protection procedures - disinfection of tools, supply of hydroalcoholic gel and masks - under penalty of penalty of 5,000 euros per day late.

The union had justified its approach after the detection of 258 positive cases in the past three weeks among posted workers, mostly from South America and Africa, who came to pick up fruit and vegetables in the department of Bouches-du -Rhône, in the south of France.

"The spread of the virus deserved to go to the fight, even if it was risky, we assume our responsibility", reacted Vincent Schneegans, the lawyer of the CFDT. It concerns seasonal workers in a fragile situation: far from home and who have no choice but to accept their working conditions. The lack of evidence that we are accused of is somehow inherent in this situation. "


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  • Justice
  • Tarascon
  • Agriculture
  • Coronavirus
  • Trial

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