Teller Report

School, in Cdm Azzolina asked for a billion more

6/25/2020, 6:46:56 PM

A billion more in view of the reopening of schools in September. This is what the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina asked today, during the CDM, a request that has agreed with the ministers present and that should be part of the new budget gap on which we are thinking in these minutes at Palazzo Chigi, during the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, heads of delegation and economic managers of the majority forces. Of the billion requested by the minister, 500 million would go towards hiring teachers. CGIL: not enough resources "The dashboard had already been anticipated yesterday by the minister. Certainly any support or tool that is offered to allow the calculation of the necessary measures for distancing is important. But the real knot, we repeat, is the lack of resources: 1 billion is not enough. " This was stated at the Adnkronos Francesco Sinopoli of the Cigil Workers Federation Federation of knowledge about the new draft of the new draft for the guidelines on returning to school in September. "The goal is face-to-face teaching and from rumors it would seem that Dad has been downsized, and if it were for us it is certainly positive. And face-to-face teaching must be for everyone and cannot depend on individual schools or territorial contexts - added Sinopoli - At least another 3 billion would be needed. This is a gamble, it is an 'opportunity' to make the school great and to invest in it, in quality infrastructures and in the staff ".

  • School, in class in September: debate on guidelines ignites. Protests announced in 60 squares
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25 June 2020A billion more in view of the reopening of schools in September. This is what the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina asked today, during the CDM, a request that has agreed with the ministers present and that should be part of the new budget gap on which we are thinking in these minutes at Palazzo Chigi, during the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, heads of delegation and economic managers of the majority forces. Of the billion requested by the minister, 500 million would go towards hiring teachers.

CGIL: not enough resources
"The dashboard had already been anticipated yesterday by the minister. Certainly any support or tool that is offered to allow the calculation of the necessary measures for distancing is important. But the real knot, we repeat, is the lack of resources: 1 billion is not enough. " This was stated at the Adnkronos Francesco Sinopoli of the Cigil Workers Federation Federation of knowledge about the new draft of the new draft for the guidelines on returning to school in September. "The goal is face-to-face teaching and from rumors it would seem that Dad has been downsized, and if it were for us it is certainly positive. And face-to-face teaching must be for everyone and cannot depend on individual schools or territorial contexts - added Sinopoli - At least another 3 billion would be needed. This is a gamble, it is an 'opportunity' to make the school great and to invest in it, in quality infrastructures and in the staff ".