Teller Report

Report from France - Municipalities in the East: strict sanitary measures for the second round

6/25/2020, 10:35:01 PM

The second round of municipal elections takes place this Sunday, June 28. In Alsace, the second round will take place in 72 municipalities including the largest Alsatian cities, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar. Alsace…

Municipalities in the East: strict sanitary measures for the second round

Audio 02:34

In a polling station in Mulhouse, March 15, for the first round of municipal elections. SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP

By: Angélique Férat

The second round of municipal elections takes place this Sunday, June 28. In Alsace, the second round will take place in 72 municipalities including the largest Alsatian cities, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar. Alsace experienced the peak of the coronavirus epidemic in late March, one week after the first round of municipal elections. The south of Alsace was even classified in reinforced stage 2 when the poll of March 15 took place.

  • France
  • Coronavirus

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