Teller Report

Partial unemployment: a generous system that will continue

6/25/2020, 6:26:01 AM

The President of the Republic has chosen to maintain long-term partial unemployment, very expensive for the State, but essential for the maintenance of activity in the territory. Emmanuel Macron did not want to take the risk of further weakening companies. & Nbsp;

The President of the Republic has chosen to maintain long-term partial unemployment, very expensive for the State, but essential for the maintenance of activity in the territory. Emmanuel Macron did not want to take the risk of further weakening businesses. 

Emmanuel Macron decided: partial unemployment will remain generous in France, much to the relief of companies. 

A choice had to be made between maintaining a generous partial unemployment scheme which costs the community a fortune or a brake which risks triggering an avalanche of social plans. Emmanuel Macron therefore decided. State aid will certainly decrease, but very gradually, not before October 1.

Above all, the government will set up a system of long-term partial unemployment, up to two years, which will remain generous since the employer will only bear 15% of the salary. 

France will therefore keep one of the most advantageous partial unemployment systems. 

In fact, after October 1, we will switch to a system comparable to what exists today in Germany: the company will be responsible for 40% of what it pays to employees on partial unemployment, against 15% today. today, and the state will reimburse the remaining 60%. On the other hand, the sectors most affected by the crisis such as aeronautics or the automobile will benefit from separate treatment: beyond October 1, the State and Unedic will take charge of 80% of salaries. Provided that there is a company or branch agreement.

Clearly, this gives visibility to employers on partial unemployment until the end of the quinquennium. It will not avoid social plans, but the thirty billion that will cost short-time working this year will seriously mitigate the social impact of the crisis.