Teller Report

Guangzhou police: a man drove to a car and caused one death and two injuries

6/25/2020, 6:02:12 PM

  China News Service, June 26. According to the official Weibo news of the Tianhe District Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, a car crash occurred in Tianhe District, Guangzhou on the 25th, causing 1 death and 2 injuries. At present, the driver Bei Mou (male, 37 years old) has been controlled by the police. According to preliminary information, Bei Mou drove into Liang Mou d...

  China News Service, June 26. According to the official Weibo news of the Tianhe District Bureau of the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, a car crash occurred in Tianhe District, Guangzhou on the 25th, causing 1 death and 2 injuries. At present, the driver Bei Mou (male, 37 years old) has been controlled by the police. According to preliminary information, Bei Mou drove into Liang Mou due to a dispute with the deceased Liang Mou (male, 67 years old) and caused two other pedestrians passing by to be injured. At present, the incident is under further investigation.

Screenshot of Official Weibo of Tianhe District Bureau of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau

  Guangzhou Tianhe Police reported on the 25th: At 17:00 on the 25th, the 110 alarm desk received reports from the masses that a car had knocked down three people in Wushan. After receiving the report, Tianhe Police immediately dispatched personnel to the scene for disposal.

  After the police arrived, three people were found injured. "120" medical staff immediately carried out emergency treatment for three people, one of the injured was declared dead after the rescue was invalid; the other two were temporarily in danger of life and were transferred to the hospital for treatment.

  At present, the driver Bei Mou (male, 37 years old) has been controlled by the police on the spot. According to preliminary information, Bei Mou drove into Liang Mou due to a dispute with the deceased Liang Mou (male, 67 years old) and caused two other pedestrians passing by to be injured. The incident is under further investigation.