Teller Report

Donbass and Kiev began a dialogue on the law on special status

6/25/2020, 8:44:01 PM

Representatives of Kiev and Donbass began a dialogue on the law on the special status of the region. This was stated by Russia's representative in the contact group on Ukraine Boris Gryzlov following the meeting.

“The political subgroup has begun a detailed discussion of the law“ On the special procedure for local self-government in certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions ”, briefly called the“ Law on Special Status, ”RIA Novosti quoted Gryzlov as saying.

He noted that the main task stipulated by the Minsk agreements is to give the special status of Donbass a permanent character.

“Although not a single representative of Ukraine can clearly explain why this is bad for the country, we again received the refusal of the representatives of Kiev to secure a special status in the Ukrainian constitution,” he added.

According to him, the proposals of the Donbass on the draft law, received a month earlier, are not taken into account by Ukrainian representatives.

“Nevertheless, the dialogue between Kiev and Donbass has begun, and work on amendments to the law should be continued in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Minsk agreements,” he said.

Earlier in the office of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky they said that Kiev ruled out the possibility of consolidating the special status of Donbass in the country's Constitution.