Teller Report

Calbee can be moved to a new family by moving to a new home Corona compatible

6/25/2020, 3:56:54 AM

[NHK] Calbee, a major confectionery maker, will continue to work at home indefinitely from next month onwards for employees in the office, which will hinder business...

Calbee can live with his family when he is transferred to a new location Corresponds to the new Corona

Calbee, a major confectionery maker, will continue to work at home indefinitely from next month onward for employees of the office, and if the company finds that it will not hinder work, it will remove the assignment of a single employee. I decided to introduce a new way of working such as allowing me to live with my family.

In order to respond to the "new lifestyle" to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, a "mobile work allowance" will be newly provided to assist a part of the cost necessary for improving the working environment at home. ..