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Twitter masks new Trump tweet for "inappropriate behavior" - France 24

6/23/2020, 8:21:32 PM

Twitter masks new Trump tweet for "inappropriate behavior"San Francisco (AFP) Twitter again pinned Donald Trump on Tuesday, with a mention that one of his tweets "broke" the network's rules on "inappropriate behavior", while leaving the possibility of reading it. "There will never be an" autonomous zone "in Washington as long as I am your president. If they try they will face a significant force," the American president tweeted, in the context of demon...

San Francisco (AFP)

Twitter again pinned Donald Trump on Tuesday, with a mention that one of his tweets "broke" the network's rules on "inappropriate behavior", while leaving the possibility of reading it.

"There will never be an" autonomous zone "in Washington as long as I am your president. If they try they will face a significant force," the American president tweeted, in the context of demonstrations against police violence and the racism for weeks.

"Our rules state that we do not allow people to wish or hope to harm a person or a group of people," Twitter said in response to a request from AFP.

Users will not be able to "like", reply to, or retweet the message without comment.

Last month, the twitter network had already proven that it was not afraid to punish the tenant of the White House, who was always very talkative on his favorite platform.

Twitter had first reported Donald Tump's comments on postal voting as misleading, with newspaper articles.

Then he pinned another tweet for "condemning violence": "The looting will be immediately greeted by bullets," said Donald Trump about the protests that sometimes escalated into riots.

The billionaire in power counterattacked, at the first warning from Twitter, by signing a decree that calls into question a fundamental law of the American internet and the economic model of the network giants.

Section 230 offers digital platforms immunity from any legal action related to content published by third parties. And gives them the freedom to intervene as they please to police the exchanges.

Facebook, which did not withdraw the same messages from the president, was strongly criticized for its inaction by civil society but also internally, by its own employees.

5 months before the American presidential election, the networks are trying more than ever to take care of the goat and the cabbage. They must promote freedom of expression while polishing the exchanges between users, often stormy, even surly.

They are also called upon to take measures to combat the systemic racism that plagues the United States.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have mobilized for almost a month, on the street and on platforms, to demand justice for George Floyd, an African-American killed by a white police officer, and reforms of the forces of the 'order.

In Washington, some demonstrators tried Monday to erect a camp near the presidency on the model of the zone without police created in Seattle.

© 2020 AFP

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