Teller Report

Putin proposed to significantly reduce taxes for IT companies

6/23/2020, 3:12:38 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed lowering the profit rate for the IT industry from 20 to 3%. He also said that the premium rate for IT companies should be reduced from 14 to 7.6%.

“Now the premium rate for such companies is 14% for the period until 2023. I suggest reducing it to 7.6%. And not temporarily, but indefinitely, ”the president said.

He noted that “it will be right to significantly, by an order of magnitude, reduce the income tax rate for IT companies, also, of course, indefinitely, from the current 20 to 3%.”

According to him, this is even better than in such jurisdictions that are attractive to IT business as Indian and Irish.

Putin noted that this will be one of the lowest tax rates for the IT industry in the world.

Also, Putin in an appeal to the Russians proposed starting January 1, 2021 to increase the personal income tax rate from 13 to 15% for citizens earning more than 5 million rubles a year.

RT broadcasted Putin’s appeal.