Teller Report

President Trump "arrested if monument destroyed"

6/23/2020, 9:18:21 PM

[NHK] In the United States, where protest demonstrations against racism continue, in response to the fact that bronze statues of people who supported slavery are being removed one after another, Tran...

President Trump "arrested if the monument is destroyed" June 24, 6:10

In the United States, where protests against racism continue, the President Trump has "instructed to arrest the monument if he destroys the monument," in response to a series of movements to remove the statues of people who supported slavery etc. , Showed a strict idea.

In the United States, a protest demonstration against racism continues following the death of a black man who was suppressed by a police officer, but along with this movement to remove the statue and monument of a person who supported slavery Are continuing in various places.

Against this backdrop, President Trump posted on Twitter that he arrested those who destroyed the monument and statue and instructed him to be sentenced to 10 years in prison, for example. ..

Later, the White House revealed to reporters that it would soon sign a presidential decree to address the issue.

In the capital, Washington, yesterday, some demonstrators were trying to overthrow the 7th President Andrew Jackson statue in the square near the White House.

President Jackson is said to have been popular with the general public, and after taking office, President Trump is known for his respect, such as visiting the places of connection and holding portraits in his office.

On the other hand, there is also a critical evaluation of President Jackson as a farmer who had made black slaves.