Teller Report

Kim Jong-un, military action plan'hold' Will it be an inflection point for inter-Korean relations?

6/23/2020, 10:18:33 PM

After the explosion of the inter-Korean contact office, it suggested military provocations, and North Korea said it would be ratified by the Labor Party's Central Military Commission. This morning, the North Korean labor newspaper reported that a preliminary meeting for the Central Military Committee was held and Chairman Kim Jong-un suspended the military action plan against South Korea.


After the explosion of the inter-Korean contact office, it suggested military provocations, and North Korea said it would be ratified by the Labor Party's Central Military Commission. On the morning of the 24th, the North Korean labor newspaper reported that a preliminary meeting of the Central Military Commission was held, and Chairman Kim Jong-un suspended the military action plan with South Korea. At the same time, Kim Jong-un, who was one step away from the tensions between the two Koreas, has emerged and is interested in whether it will bring about changes in inter-Korean relations and what North Korea intends. Press station connection.

Reporter Park Won-kyung, please.

<Reporter> The

North Korean labor newspaper reported that Chairman Kim Jong-un hosted the preliminary meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Korean Workers' Party yesterday.

The meeting was held in video, and Vice Chairman Lee Byung-cheol participated.

The Labor Newspaper reported that Kim had suspended the military action plan against South Korea, which was raised by the North Korean military's General Staff.

Earlier, the North Korean Army's General Staff foreshadowed four major military actions, such as re-entering the DMZ surveillance and spraying the South Korean frontier, and announcing that it would be ratified by the Central Army.

Recently, North Korea's criticism of South Korea has been brought to the fore by Kim Yeo-jung, the first vice-president of Kim's brother.

The North-South relations froze rapidly as the North-South joint office blasting and installation of loudspeakers in South Korea were captured.

In the midst of this, Chairman Kim suspended the military action plan with South Korea.

There are observations that Chairman Kim's order could be an inflection point in recent inter-Korean relations.

I will deliver it again. The Labor Newspaper reported that Chairman Kim Jong-un held a preliminary meeting of the party's Central Military Delegation yesterday to suspend the military action plan with South Korea's General Secretary of the Army.

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