Teller Report

Germany aims at the threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in a week to reverse the de-escalation

6/23/2020, 6:39:44 PM

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Heiko Maas, has pointed out this Tuesday that the threshold to back down in the tourist de-escalation between his country and Spain would be 5

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The German Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, pointed out on Tuesday that the threshold to back down in the tourist de-escalation between his country and Spain would be 50 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants in a week .

After a meeting in Valencia with his Spanish counterpart, Arantxa González Laya, to analyze common issues, the German minister has highlighted the Spanish health system and has pointed out as one of the indexes to take into account to reverse the figure. 50 infected in a week for every 100,000 inhabitants. "We will do everything possible to avoid it," he stressed, recalling that they wanted to resume travel as soon as Spain lifted the state of alarm.

Before the press conference, to questions from German journalists in the port of Valencia, the minister maintained that Spain has taken "very drastic" measures and has maintained them for a long time. " This summer's tourism will be different, but it will be tourism that meets all guarantees, " he summarized, trusting that Germans who want to spend their holidays in Spain behave responsibly.

González Laya and Heiko Maas have called on Tuesday the responsibility of the first tourists to enjoy a safe vacation and " not have to back down " or "take such dramatic measures as in the past", respectively.

The Spanish minister recalled that zero risk does not exist and that it is possible to "reverse" the opening of tourism. She has ensured that this closure would be done "in a measured manner to treat outbreaks in a controlled and surgical manner." " As long as there is no treatment or vaccine, we have to live with the virus and minimize the impact for tourists and residents," he defended at the press conference in the Government Delegation with his German counterpart.

First bilateral meeting

Laya, in his first face-to-face bilateral meeting after confinement, emphasized the good relationship between the two countries and highlighted the meeting in Valencia as a symbol of a safe destination. To achieve this, it has once again urged individual and collective responsibility to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission and continue to attract tourists to " a Spain open to the world, cosmopolitan, innovative and open to tourism ."

In the same vein, the German minister has ensured that Spain meets all the requirements so that "everything goes smoothly" and visitors enjoy safely, as he verified with the first "trial tourists" displaced to the Balearic Islands. Maas has linked this opening of tourism to the "exemplary behavior" of the Spanish during the quarantine, "a real feat". "We know that you have prepared thoroughly," he told the minister, hoping "not to reach a point where you have to take such dramatic measures as in the past."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • tourism
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus

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