Teller Report

A-shares oscillated up, the Shanghai index rose 0.17%, the overall wine sector strengthened

6/23/2020, 4:00:20 AM

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei client on June 23rd, the two cities rose after a slight decline, the three major stock indexes turned red, and the GEM index was relatively strong. Liquor led the overall consumer sector to strengthen, and online game concept stocks were active.   Source: Wind   As of 11:30, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 2970.30 points, an increase of 0.17%, and the turnover was...

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei client on June 23rd, the two cities rose after a slight decline, the three major stock indexes turned red, and the GEM index was relatively strong. Liquor led the overall consumer sector to strengthen, and online game concept stocks were active.

  Source: Wind

  As of 11:30, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 2970.30 points, an increase of 0.17%, and the turnover was 177.60 billion yuan; the Shenzhen Component Index reported 11750.49 points, an increase of 0.41%, and the turnover was 264.194 billion yuan; the GEM Index reported 2361.09 points, an increase of 0.78%.

  The industry sector fell more and less, and winemaking, telecommunications operations, media and entertainment, medical care, and Internet were among the top gainers; transportation equipment, ships, public transportation, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, and oil were among the top decliners.

  The wine-making sector surged 3.12%, among which, the daily limit of Yili Te, Jinhui liquor rose by more than 8%, Tsingtao beer, alcoholic liquor, gold seed liquor and so on. Guizhou Moutai rose 2.84%, refreshing its share price to a new high of 1479.90 yuan, with a market value of 1.86 trillion yuan, surpassing the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and becoming the first market value of A-share companies.

  The concept sector is also mostly green, with IP monetization, online games, Tencent concepts, intellectual property rights, and C2M concepts rising at the forefront; seeding, artificial meat, tire pressure monitoring, and wind and sand governance are at the forefront.

  The IP monetization concept rose 2.96%, leading the rise in the concept sector. Among them, Lugang Culture, Deli shares, Fuchun shares and other six stocks had daily limits, and Perfect World rose more than 9%.

  Overall, 1308 stocks in the two cities rose, of which 110 stocks such as Gelisi, Weining Health and ST Bio rose more than 5%. 2,336 stocks fell, of which 26 stocks including ST Ankai, ST Chongxing, and Jitai fell more than 5%.

  In terms of turnover rate, a total of 9 stocks have a turnover rate of over 20%, of which Sky Arrow Technology has the highest turnover rate of 26.61%.

  CITIC Construction Investment believes that from a structural point of view, the current stocks with low valuation weights are already highly allocated value, and it is difficult to fall sharply again, thus limiting the downward space of the index; and technology companies, for a long time in the future will be Core assets.

  According to the analysis of Guosheng Securities Research Report, from the recent disk, A shares are generally in a balanced structure. Although the short-term epidemic situation has certain fluctuations and repairs, the trend directions around consumption, medicine, and technology are still clear. The market is still expected to continue the turbulent upward trend, but due to the small long holiday near the Dragon Boat Festival, due to the impact of the end of the season's shortage of funds and other factors, we must remain cautious. (Sino-Singapore Jingwei APP)

(The opinions in this article are for reference only, and do not constitute investment advice. Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market.)