Teller Report

"Calabria land of mafia", shock advertising on Easyjet website

6/23/2020, 9:10:06 AM

"As a member of the Transport and Tourism Commission of the European Parliament I will write to the top of EasyJet to ask that the description of my Region be changed immediately. Calabria is a wonderful land that deserves respect. No more prejudices about Southern Italy" says Laura Ferrara, 5Stars MEP

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June 23, 2020 "This region suffers from an evident absence of tourists due to its history of mafia activity and earthquakes." It is the written appearance on the official website of the low cost airline Easyjet on a page that advertises Calabria. Sentence that is already causing controversy on social media.

On the page, it is also written that Calabria suffers "the lack of iconic cities such as Rome or Venice capable of attracting fans of Instagram". Then continue: "But if you are looking for a little taste of the sweet life, without too many tourists, then you are in the right place. Climb up to the mountain town of Morano Calabro for breathtaking views and bizarre houses built on peaks, which you will have to see to believe. You will be among the few tourists to truly know and appreciate the three spectacular national parks of this region. " Ironic the answer given to the message from the Facebook page "Lo Statale Jonico": "Thanks to the friends of EasyJet for the splendid description, but we would like to clarify
- for the sake of honesty - that we also have flaws".

Controversy on social media, but also on a political level. Many politicians who have launched themselves against the advertising of the Swiss low-cost airline. "It is a shameful description that offends the region and my people, creates an image damage and obviously discourages tourists from visiting our land, which is and must be known for its rich and wonderful landscape and food and wine heritage, for its ancient traditions and the unparalleled welcome that Calabrian citizens reserve to tourists and guests all ". The MEP of the 5-Star Movement Laura Ferrara said in a statement . "As a member of the Transport and Tourism Commission of the European Parliament - he announces - I will write to the top of EasyJet to ask that the description of my Region be changed immediately. Calabria is a wonderful land that deserves respect. No more prejudices about Southern Italy ".

Ernesto Magorno, senator of Italia Viva who also writes on Twitter writes: "One word for EasyJet: Shame! Calabria is a wonderful land with exceptional people. Calabria is a land that welcomes and, with all due respect to those who write the opposite is a region that does not suffer from the absence of tourists. EasyJet must apologize and, before writing about Calabria, it should better document itself ". 

One word for #EasyJet: SHAME!
#Calabria is a wonderful land with exceptional people. Calabria is a land that welcomes and, with all due respect to those who write the opposite, it is a region that does not suffer from the absence of tourists.

- Ernesto Magorno (@Emagorno) June 23, 2020
"Describe Calabria as a land of mafia and earthquakes from which tourists stay away, and the few who arrive can only admire 'bizarre houses' - writes Wanda Ferro, Member of Parliament FdI -, is of an unprecedented gravity. A completely false "postcard" full of absurd prejudices, which has the effect of damaging the image of a region that not only can offer visitors an immense patrimony of naturalistic treasures, cultural and identity, as today is a land completely free from Covid, and is ready to welcome tourists and travelers thanks to the excellent work put in place by President Jole Santelli and the Councilor for Tourism. possible relationship between the Region and the airline and possible compensation actions should be evaluated ''.

Business: "Ignore what Calabria really is"
"Calabria is a land that social media cannot they are telling, it is a land to live. This is the description of the correct of our region, not the one offered by the EasyJet airline which, with those few lines published on the site, has shown only one thing: to ignore what Calabria really is ". So the Calabrian writer, Antonio Mod Affari .