Teller Report

Ministry of Internal Affairs: masks did not affect the video surveillance system in Moscow

6/22/2020, 11:57:20 PM

Wearing protective masks during the COVID-19 coronavirus infection pandemic did not affect the effectiveness of the GIS ECCH video surveillance system in Moscow.

This was reported by TASS with reference to the response of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital to the corresponding request.

“Since the introduction of the high-readiness regime in the metropolitan area, residents of Moscow were obliged to wear masks, but this did not affect the effectiveness of using the GIS ECSD (Unified Data Storage Center),” the Interior Ministry said.

The GIS ECCHD video surveillance system is designed to increase the level of security in Moscow; it is used by the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and city government services.

In early May, the head of the Main Control Department of Moscow, Yevgeny Danchikov, said that 35,000 violators of the self-isolation regime were fined during the spread of coronavirus in the capital using photo and video recording cameras and the Social Monitoring application.