Teller Report

Mayor of Moscow: The epidemic situation improves and the epidemic prevention measures can be relaxed as planned

6/22/2020, 11:30:32 PM

  China News Service, June 23, according to the Russian Satellite Network, the mayor of the Russian capital Moscow Sobyanin said on the 22nd that the situation of the new crown epidemic in Moscow is improving. On the 23rd, the epidemic prevention restrictions can be further relaxed as planned. Data map: On June 16, local time, the Moscow Zoo in Russia was reopened. The lady wearing a mask in the...

  China News Service, June 23, according to the Russian Satellite Network, the mayor of the Russian capital Moscow Sobyanin said on the 22nd that the situation of the new crown epidemic in Moscow is improving. On the 23rd, the epidemic prevention restrictions can be further relaxed as planned.

Data map: On June 16, local time, the Moscow Zoo in Russia was reopened. The lady wearing a mask in the park adjusted the mask for the boy.

  Sobyanin wrote in his personal blog: "The situation last week was quite optimistic. The prevalence of COVID-19 continued to decline. Compared with the week of June 8-14, the average number of new cases decreased by 10%. 6 On Saturday, January 20, the number of new cases dropped to below 1,000 for the first time in two and a half months."

  Sobyanin said: "After analyzing the situation again, weighing the pros and cons and consulting with the experts, I think we can take the next step to relax the restrictions. From tomorrow, June 23, 2020, the opening of the library and kindergarten will be cancelled. Restrictions and restrictions on the use of some social public infrastructure."

  According to the timetable previously given by Sobyanin to relax the epidemic prevention measures, the Moscow restaurant will be fully restored from June 23, and the gym and swimming pool will also be reopened.

Data map: May 1, local time, Moscow ushered in the annual Labor Day. Affected by the epidemic, vehicles are scarce on the road in the city center. China News Service reporter Wang Xiujun

  He also said: "Now the epidemic has weakened and the positive phase of the Moscow clinic reconstruction project can continue. There are currently 12 clinics in Moscow undergoing a comprehensive renovation, and the reconstruction of 25 clinics will start on July 1."

  Sobyanin said that the reconstruction work during the epidemic encountered many problems and many new opportunities. He said: "So we have revised the current and future deadlines for reconstruction work."

  Official data show that Moscow City added 1068 confirmed cases and 26 deaths on the 22nd.

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