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France enters the third phase of "unblocking" the Paris Opera House and other places resumed opening

6/22/2020, 9:57:26 PM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) France enters the third phase of "unblocking" and the Paris Opera House and other venues are reopened   China News Agency, Paris, June 22 (Reporter Li Yang) On the 22nd of local time in France, the third phase of "unblocking" was resumed. The Paris Opera House and other venues were reopened. Primary and secondary school students returned to school to resu...

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) France enters the third phase of "unblocking" and the Paris Opera House and other venues are reopened

  China News Agency, Paris, June 22 (Reporter Li Yang) On the 22nd of local time in France, the third phase of "unblocking" was resumed. The Paris Opera House and other venues were reopened. Primary and secondary school students returned to school to resume classes.

  The famous Paris Opera House was reopened that day. A reporter from China News Agency came here on the day and noticed that the anti-epidemic measures are stricter than other public places. They must undergo a temperature test, and they must wash their hands and wear a mask to enter.

  Most of the interior spaces of the Paris Opera House have been reopened, including the magnificent concert hall, exhibition hall, library, and museum. However, activities such as opera performances still have to be scheduled until September. On the first day of opening, few people visited the Paris Opera House.

  According to the previously announced third-phase "unblocking" plan, under the conditions of ensuring strict anti-epidemic measures, cinemas, holiday centers, casinos and game halls and other places can resume business from the 22nd. Collective sports activities can be resumed, and epidemic prevention measures are taken according to different types of sports.

  The reporter came to the Max Linde cinema in Paris, which was very well-known, and saw that the cinema had resumed its opening. The staff told reporters that the current business hours of the cinema are from 8 pm to midnight, and there is a limit to the number of visitors. It is best to reserve a seat in advance. The first movie released after the movie theater resumed business was the 1988 American movie "Mississippi is Burning", which addresses the human rights issues of black Americans.

  Millions of French elementary and junior high school students are required to return to school to resume classes on the 22nd. Although the French primary and secondary schools were gradually reopened after the “unblocking” was launched in May, many primary and secondary students did not return to school. French President Macron has previously stated that the full return of schoolchildren to school will be mandatory this time.

  According to data from the French Ministry of Education, only 1.8 million of the 6.7 million French elementary school students returned to school to resume classes. French Minister of Education Bronguet and French government spokesman Ndiaye both appealed to parents of students to have confidence in school epidemic prevention.

  Some analysts believe that it is still too early to talk about whether the second wave of outbreaks in France has occurred. However, the French Guiana epidemic worsened, and the French official sent a medical team to the local area on the 22nd to help fight the epidemic. If the outbreak in French Guiana remains uncontrolled in the near future, the local authorities will resume control measures such as "closing the city".

  In France, there were 29,663 deaths from New Coronary Pneumonia on the 22nd, and 373 newly diagnosed cases on a single day on the 22nd; the number of hospitalized cases dropped to 9,693, and severe cases dropped to 701. (Finish)