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Eight departments issued opinions: Speed ​​up and expand the opening up of education in the new era

6/22/2020, 9:48:43 PM

The Ministry of Education and other eight departments issued opinions Speed ​​up and expand the opening up of education in the new era   "The opening of education to the outside world is a distinctive feature and an important driving force of education modernization. We must insist on the unwavering opening of education and take the initiative to strengthen mutual learning, mutual tolerance, and...

The Ministry of Education and other eight departments issued opinions

Speed ​​up and expand the opening up of education in the new era

  "The opening of education to the outside world is a distinctive feature and an important driving force of education modernization. We must insist on the unwavering opening of education and take the initiative to strengthen mutual learning, mutual tolerance, and interoperability with all countries in the world to form a more comprehensive, wider field, and more levels. More proactive education is opening to the outside world." said the head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education.

  A few days ago, the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education and other eight departments on accelerating and expanding the opening up of education in the new era" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions") were issued. The "Opinions" adhere to internal and external coordination, improve quality and efficiency, take the initiative to lead and orderly open up, and have made key arrangements for the opening of education in the new era to the outside world.

Supporting the creation of a new highland for education opening up

  "Accelerating and expanding the opening up of education in the new era to the outside world is a need for educational development, national construction, and development in the new era. It is both urgent and timely. China has always held high the banner of cooperation and win-win cooperation and is committed to deepening expansion. Mutually beneficial cooperation and exchanges and mutual learning in the field of education with all countries in the world will contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind." said the head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the blueprint for education opening to the outside world has been clearer, the layout is broader, the assistance is more significant, the brand is more distinctive, and the influence is far-reaching. my country has become the world's largest source of international students and the largest destination of study abroad in Asia. Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools have achieved vigorous development as an important carrier of opening up education. In addition, international Chinese education is on the rise, and the Confucius Institute (Confucius Classroom) and its online platform have created favorable conditions for people from all walks of life to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture.

  "Comparing with the new situation, new situation and new requirements in the new era, we feel that the role of education in opening up to the outside world needs to be further developed, the quality and efficiency need to be further improved, and the governance capacity and level need to be further improved. The new coronary pneumonia epidemic also exposed some shortcomings and weaknesses in the work. The person in charge of the International Department of the Ministry of Education introduced that the "Opinions" put forth efforts to break the barriers of the system and mechanism, strengthen the reform of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, improve the overseas running of colleges and universities, reform the school's foreign affairs approval policy, and continue to promote the involvement of students studying abroad, students studying in China, and foreign countries. The reform of experts and foreign teachers has made efforts to promote more mature and finalized legal systems in related fields.

  Hainan Free Trade Port, Xiong'an New Area, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Yangtze River Delta Regional Integration... Focusing on serving the country's major development strategies, the Ministry of Education will support the creation of a new highland for the opening of education to the outside world, and support the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an international educational demonstration The district supports the opening up of the Yangtze River Delta region, the first trial, the Xiong'an New District to create a new benchmark for education opening, and Hainan to build an international education innovation island. At the same time, the Ministry of Education will provide intellectual, human, technical, cultural, emotional and other support to create an upgraded version of the "Belt and Road" educational initiative.

Contribute to China's plan for global education governance

  In recent years, China has played an active and constructive role in educational cooperation under the multilateral mechanisms of the United Nations, the G20, APEC, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and BRICS, and is an important participant and promoter of global education governance. Today, the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic has caused varying degrees of impact on education in various countries, and facing greater challenges in achieving the educational goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  "Under the new situation, China will create an upgraded version of the "Belt and Road" educational action, expand the supply of international public goods in education, actively share its experience and practices in the areas of "stopping classes without stopping schooling" and orderly returning to school, etc. China provides assistance within its capacity. China will also deepen cooperation with multilateral institutions such as UNESCO, contribute Chinese power to global education development, and contribute Chinese programs to global education governance." The head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education said.

  The person in charge said that strengthening the "Study in China" brand ultimately depends on improving the quality and management level of education for studying in China. Next, we will build key projects and quality projects for studying in China according to the deployment and requirements of the "Opinions", and take multiple measures to promote the connotative development of studying in China. Next, the Ministry of Education will promote the introduction of quality certification standards for studying abroad in China, preparatory education standards and various professional education standards. On the basis of encouraging third-party industry organizations to carry out quality certification for studying abroad in China, establish and improve the quality assurance mechanism to strengthen Supervision, strict accountability, and effective protection of the healthy and orderly development of education in China.

  "The Opinions focus on accelerating the modernization of China's education and cultivating more globally competitive talents." The head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education introduced that in the field of higher education, universities will be supported to strengthen cooperation with world-class universities and academic institutions to improve universities The evaluation index of opening up to the outside world is granted certain foreign affairs examination and approval rights for the construction of "double first-class" universities; in the field of vocational education, policy breakthroughs will be made in reference to the "dual system" and other school models and the introduction of foreign high-quality vocational education resources to encourage qualified domestic Vocational colleges and enterprises participate in international production capacity cooperation, and start to create "Belt and Road" International Skills Competition and other brand competitions; in the field of basic education, they will strengthen the international understanding education of primary and secondary schools, help students establish a sense of community of human destiny, and cultivate the beauty of morals, wisdom, and body Young people in the new era with comprehensive development and an international perspective.

The impact of the epidemic on studying abroad is temporary

  In order to be able to "study abroad" without going abroad, in the past period, my country has introduced a batch of overseas high-quality educational resources through Sino-foreign cooperative education. At present, there are nearly 2,300 Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools and projects at all levels approved and filed by the Ministry of Education, including nearly 1,200 institutions and projects with undergraduate degree or above.

  The person in charge of the International Department of the Ministry of Education introduced that the "Opinions" will strengthen the reform of Sino-foreign cooperative education. One is to improve the legal system and promote the revision of the Regulations on Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools and its implementation measures to provide institutional guarantees for opening schools, standardizing schools, and high-level schools; the second is to innovate working mechanisms through the "project record system" "Approval" and other ways to improve the examination and approval, improve the evaluation and withdrawal mechanism; third, encourage the first trial, cooperate with the new round of reform and opening up in the country, explore the appropriate relaxation of the restrictions on the main bodies and modes of cooperation in running schools, and give corresponding encouragement and guidance policies or implement access Special management measures.

  With China's increasingly close links with the world and the continuous construction of the "Belt and Road", the "going out" school has become an important part of my country's education opening up. At present, Chinese colleges and universities have hosted more than 100 overseas schools and projects of different types and levels in nearly 50 countries.

  According to reports, in order to guide schools to go abroad to run schools autonomously, efficiently and orderly, the Opinions clarify the basic ideas of doing our best, running schools according to the law, giving priority to quality and developing steadily. "We will actively promote application-oriented undergraduate and vocational colleges to cooperate with Chinese enterprises to "go out", carry out collaborative school running, and achieve common development. We will also expand the international radiation of online education and support the development of schools and institutions at all levels with Chinese characteristics Professional courses, teaching management models and evaluation tools that are competitive with international competition. Leveraging the'Chinese Education Cloud' to establish an international curriculum promotion platform with Chinese characteristics." said the head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education.

  "The impact of the epidemic on studying abroad is temporary. The "Opinions" reiterate that we will continue to train all kinds of talents needed for China's modernization through the channels of studying abroad." The head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education said that he will actively explore high-quality educational resources cooperation channels and expand Study abroad space. At the same time, we will make great efforts to improve the "safe study abroad" mechanism, further institutionalize and normalize the effective methods found in the course of the epidemic, and escort the students of Guangxi University to realize their dream of studying abroad.

  The "Opinions" emphasize that under the unified leadership of the party committee, the government should be promoted to give full play to its overall coordination role, and the opening of education to the outside world should be included in the important agenda. At the same time, establish and improve a multi-department coordination and linkage mechanism, increase security, strengthen intellectual support, effectively prevent and resolve risks, and widely mobilize social forces to support the opening up of education to the outside world.

  Zhang Shuo