Teller Report

Ceremony to commemorate the victims of Operation Imphal in northeastern India

6/22/2020, 9:13:11 PM

[NHK] A ceremony was held in northeastern India to commemorate the victims of Operation Imphal by the former Japanese army, said to be one of the toughest battles during World War II.

Ceremony to commemorate the victims of Operation Imphal in northeastern India June 23, 6:00


A ceremony was held on the 22nd in northeastern India to commemorate the victims of Operation Imphal by the former Japanese military, said to be one of the toughest battles during World War II.

In 1944, the former Japanese army aimed to capture the northeastern part of India under British control, and in operation alone, 30,000 Japanese soldiers died in India.

On the 22nd, a memorial ceremony was held at the "Imperial Peace Museum" opened in June last year in Imphal, Manipur, northeastern India.

This time, the scale was reduced due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and about 15 people who attended were sitting at a distance from the venue.

At the ceremony, Japanese Ambassador Satoshi Suzuki, stationed in India, sent a video message saying, "I'm sorry I couldn't participate because of the new coronavirus. , Is the perfect place for us to look back and appreciate the peace."

Then, the people who attended offered flowers to the memorial monument and silently mourned the dead Japanese, British, and Indian soldiers.