Teller Report

The Ministry of Equality apologizes for a tweet linking the walls of Ávila with Franco

6/20/2020, 7:30:19 PM

The General Directorate for Sexual Diversity and LGTBI Rights, under the Ministry of Equality, has eliminated the tweet in which it related to the walls of Ávila with the eta

The General Directorate for Sexual Diversity and LGTBI Rights, under the Ministry of Equality, has eliminated the tweet in which it related to the walls of Ávila with the Franco era, after the controversy generated and the requests in this regard, among others, by the City Council of the capital and the PSOE.

"We want to apologize to the city of Ávila and its inhabitants for the mention of its wall, a World Heritage Site, which in that context may have been offensive. The objective was quite different and we surely share it: to thank Correos for its proud gesture. Sorry, "reads the text released by this Directorate General.

The text, already removed, said verbatim: "So many years of postage stamps from Franco (Franco, Franco, Franco!), Don Pelayo, regional embroidery, wildlife or the walls of Ávila. O Pemán. A lifetime of stamps from Spain , that impossible Spain ".

Among the numerous criticisms received, making this matter one of the most commented topics on Twitter, is that of the mayor of Ávila, Jesús Manuel Sánchez Cabrera, who this Saturday has conveyed his "discomfort" to the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, when considering the text of the "disrespectful" tweet. The councilor believes that the message "undervalues ​​the most emblematic monument in the city", declared a World Heritage Site, hence he asked Montero for his withdrawal and "a rectification through the official Twitter profile of the General Directorate for Sexual Diversity and LGTBI Rights "

For its part, the Avila Socialist Party has also asked for the withdrawal of the "unfortunate" tweet released by the General Directorate of Sexual Diversity and LGTBI Rights on Saturday afternoon.

For this reason, the secretary general of the PSOE of Ávila and senator, Jesús Caro, has asked for his "immediate withdrawal" due to the "serious damage that it causes to the image of this province".

For Caro, "such an emblematic universal monument, which is declared a World Heritage Site, should never have been used in such an inappropriate manner as has been done by the aforementioned department."

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Ávila
  • PSOE
  • Irene Montero
  • Spain
  • Gay pride

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