Teller Report

A goalkeeper receives 10 goals and gets the man of the match title

6/20/2020, 11:40:21 AM

FC Rostov received a great defeat by Sochi in the Russian League, 10-1, after the former had to send a team from the club's academy due to the outbreak of the Corona virus among six players in the first team. Despite the historical result, only the 17-year-old Rostov goalkeeper

FC Rostov received a great defeat by Sochi in the Russian League, 10-1, after the first had to send a team from the club's academy due to the outbreak of Corona virus among six players in the first team.

Despite the historical result, 17-year-old Rostov goalkeeper Dennis Popov was well-received and was chosen man of the match, despite receiving a record number of goals, but he stopped a penalty and also set a new league record for tackles in one match with 15 tackles.

Rostov had to go through the meeting with the youth team, because the first team entered the entire quarantine, after the appearance of 6 positive samples in it during Corona tests two days before the resumption of the season after a long pause due to the pandemic.

All Rostov players and coaches were isolated themselves, so the team with no professional player did not find available for the first match after the return, which caused the loss of the game by 10-1 despite advancing in the result with an early first goal in the first minute of the match.

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