Teller Report

Two LREM deputies want to extend employee participation to SMEs

6/19/2020, 2:03:55 PM

Today, it is reserved for companies with more than 50 employeesLREM deputy from Paris Olivia Grégoire. (archives) - Jacques Witt / SIPA It is their Gaullist project. LREM members Olivia Grégoire and Cendra Motin announced this Friday their intention to table a bill to generalize profit sharing to all businesses, seeing it as "a decisive weapon" in the current context. Participation, which allows part of the profits to be redistributed to employees, is now com...

LREM deputy from Paris Olivia Grégoire. (archives) - Jacques Witt / SIPA

It is their Gaullist project. LREM members Olivia Grégoire and Cendra Motin announced this Friday their intention to table a bill to generalize profit sharing to all businesses, seeing it as "a decisive weapon" in the current context. Participation, which allows part of the profits to be redistributed to employees, is now compulsory in companies with more than 50 employees earning a sufficient profit.

The law proposed by elected LREM, members of the Assembly's finance committee, intends to generalize it "to all employees" regardless of the size of the company, said Cendra Motin, confirming information from the Parisian . First optional, the participation system launched by General De Gaulle is a wage savings scheme that became "compulsory in companies with more than 100 employees in 1969, in companies with more than 50 employees in 1990", recall the elected in the explanatory memorandum to their bill.

"Completing the Gaullist Project"

Today, "the economic and social crisis makes it necessary to complete the Gaullist project by making participation the legal regime for all employees", continues the text which sees in this tool "a decisive weapon", in particular because the employees are associated with the “future of the company”. "As long as participation remains optional for the 140,000 small and medium-sized enterprises, it is indeed almost a quarter of employees in our country who will remain potentially deprived of it," add the elected officials, stressing in particular that "in the era of start-ups -ups, the size of the company is no longer a condition for the growth of its profits ”.

The proposal also aims to “simplify participation and modernize” its calculation formula which “has not changed since De Gaulle”, as well as to simplify procedures at the administrative level, according to Cendra Motin. The text is expected to be tabled next week to “lean” on these proposals, some of which could be incorporated via amendments to the draft budget in the fall.

According to data from the Ministry of Labor published last summer, five million people benefited from the participation in 2017. It is as much as the profit-sharing which consists in paying a bonus linked to the performance of the company, the plan company savings plan remains the most widespread employee savings plan.


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  • LREM
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